@Terdog: Oh yea I'm sure playing this with a wheel is amazing, just not required. I don't play many realistic driving games so for me personally I don't think its worth the investment but this is probably the first game I've played that tempted me to get one.
@Terdog: I don't doubt a wheel is the way to go, but its perfectly playable with a controller. I've used a DS4/Xbox 360 pad and been able to progress through the career just fine and have a lot of fun. Not having a wheel isn't a reason not to get this excellent game.
man those bullet-sponge enemies really hurt my interest in this game. Even Destiny was sorta able to justify that since you are fighting aliens, how can you justify needing to shoot some dude with a hoodie 50 times in the head to kill them
Wow this looks awesome, i'm big into skiing (just got a full set of AT gear last year) and have always been saddened by the lack of skiing games. Definitely going to check this out on steam.
I wish they could have applied this combat model to a proper RPG, it had loads of potential. This game was pretty fun for a while but the gameplay got really repetitive and there are some really crazy difficulty spikes, those two things worked in tandem to force me to lose interest.
I don't think its the best in the series (2 and 2142 have that honour) but this does a great job of outlining why BC2 is so much better than BF3 and 4. It knew what it was, a arcadey combined arms shooter, whereas the last two games have been stuck in a really ackward place between realism and arcadey.
Man those bullet sponge enemies will get annoying quick. Also the guns sound kinda squeaky like in MW2 and 3. The environments look nice at least. I think I'll be skipping this though.
with_teeth26's comments