the MP could have been some of the best MP FPS ever, too bad the maps were butchered and obviously made 75% smaller with so many flank routes cut out with that bullshit "no man's land" area. the SP was a horrible and personally for someone who has been in full service in the millitary- the SP was actually insulting with it's completely washed out black and white view of war.
AVP 2 from 2002 for me will always be the difinitive Aliens FPS, and it also has Predator... i wish Monolith could have continued to work with that series, too bad they now belong to Warner Brothers... i wished AVP3 was made after 2005's amazing F.E.A.R... no we can only prey a really good developer will take on the series which is now on life support.
this is capcom we are talking about, they will release a new patched version of the game for full retail price and test how eager desperate gamers are. nothing new here, just buisness as usual
wizzzer_thy_133's comments