I'm emotionally scared and will never fucking recover!
Wobblypops' forum posts
@davem1992: LOL wow, you really hate MS, don't you?
PS fanboy extraordinaire.
Member Since:May 19, 2015
What's your point? So I'm a new member how does that make my opinion any less significant than anyone else's? Go **** your PS4 moron.
Yeah, you know all the ropes of SW's already.
Dance Alt puppet.
Haha! Funny! Disagree with someone and belittle them by pointing out their noobie member join date, if that fails accuse them of being an alt puppet! lol Again, go **** your PS4 parrot boy!
Considering the consensus of Game sites tend to rate MS behind then I guess it's not my opinion. And unlike yourself I don't have personal attachments to specific brands. I play games. On any and every available platform. Deal with it.
Even PS fanboys know about the media bias it's so obvious. smh.
Fanboy persecution complex?
Just telling it the way it is.
@davem1992: LOL wow, you really hate MS, don't you?
PS fanboy extraordinaire.
Member Since:May 19, 2015
What's your point? So I'm a new member how does that make my opinion any less significant than anyone else's? Go **** your PS4 moron.
Historically MS never wins E3 so I'll go with one of the other two. And if I had to pick then I think Sony generally out does Nintendo. Half the time Nintendo isn't there.
Isn't that more of an opinion and coming from a cow I expected no less. Oh i know i know, you're not a cow....rriiigghhttt.
Considering the consensus of Game sites tend to rate MS behind then I guess it's not my opinion. And unlike yourself I don't have personal attachments to specific brands. I play games. On any and every available platform. Deal with it.
Even PS fanboys know about the media bias it's so obvious. smh.
What, no mention of the PS3 or even PS4? I think that it's clearly evident that both of those systems are living off the greatness that was the PS2. Funny that the TC fails to mention at least one I think that makes this topic rather pointless.
The Xbone's Dpad and Shoulder bumper buttons are still bad. The Dpad was improved from 360, but is quite inferior to Nintendo's and Sony's Dpad options. Playing 2D games on the Xbone is still choir and I've read they have yet another new Xbone revised controller on the way and for good reason imo. The new Xbone Bumper buttons are a huge step down from the 360 shoulder buttons as well. Functionality speaking, those two aspects of the Xbone controller kill the controller. Especially after HEAVY testing on my part playing Xbone since 2013's launch and many games acquiring gamerscore with 2D games/arcade games/indie games which rely heavily on Dpad use which I can prove.
Fix the poor dpad and terrible bumper buttons and the controller will be great imo, despite the annoying batteries that I have to change out, which is preference.
I would vote PS4, although It's a shame the Wii U tablet wasn't on the poll. I quite enjoy it as well.
Xbone controller will probably win.
I prefer the DS4 so I voted that.
It's a damn shame that the Wii U pro controller isn't in the running.
Why would it be, considering it's stance as of this time?
Possibly because the Wii U pro controller doesn't come with the Wii U by default nor does it work 100% with all Wii U games?
Just one answer.
You have to let the old 360 D-pad stigma go man because it's just wrong, give credit where credit is do the new Xbone D-pad is a marked improvement. I agree that the bumpers are horrible though.
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