wok7's forum posts
LOL, Wii has AAA games while PS3 has nothing.
Once people get bored with it, there will be nowhere to go but down.
Thats what they said about the DS, its hasen't gotten boring yet >.>
 Novelty games are not going to make the Wii last, and virtual console is nothing but rehashes that you can play on your PC anyway. And hardcore gamers will be left very sore with WIi's awful excuse for online gaming.
DS'd again, also the Wii is by far the most hardcore of the systems, its has innovation, gameplay, graphics (not HD because its not needed yet), games, both new and old (sry noobs, it does have new things to try), price, etc. The Online for the Wii is also the best since it's still Nintendo's first shot at it, plus none of the other systems has a flawless online anyway.
Nintendo shot themselves in the foot when they made a system that's incapable of HD graphics and had no HDD unit.
Again, no-ne really cares for HD gaming and the very low price SD card format more than makes up for heavy HDD's that won't even be filled up for years anyway.
Just because you can't find a Wii to buy, doesn't mean you should h8.
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