woodmeist's forum posts
your on crack483paul
Who's on crack?:?
He looked his finest as Ganon in LttP. God, I hope he is just Ganon in TP. I'm getting sick of this Ganondorf crap.Saruman1719
Totally agree with you Saruman.
[QUOTE="Barmy_Brat"]While Midna being Majora, or wearing Majora's Mask, would indeed be interesting, I highly doubt this will happen.
I actually believe Midna is the Twilight Princess, not Zelda. Midna's origin seems to be this Twilight realm, while Zelda needs a special cloak to survive there. This, and the fact that Midna is captured at the start of the game, lead me to believe that, while Midna may be evil, other dark forces are trying to destroy her. Thus, she was imprisoned. Still, it will be interesting to see what is revealed next about this misterious character.
You are absolutely right Barmy. I am 99.73% sure that Midna IS the Twilight Princess. Aonuma himself when asked about the name "Twilight Princess" said that it might very well not be Zelda. ...
Yeah I noticed when Aonuma was asked that question, he had a very .... strange.. look to him, that man is definatley hiding something, something cool I bet.
It was a good trailer.duckshack123
That's the understatement of the Century.
It seems as if all you guys like the OOT look.. just as I thought, personally I think Sprite Ganon has always looked the best!
You guys need to check out the DEMO footage now available on the E3 section of this site. 20 minutes of in game footage with some Q&A with Myamoto as they play through the early sections of the game. In a word... AWESOME!!GG7
After about 3 days of scavenging all the E3 videos of Zelda I could, im even more excited now, I hope Nintendo release it ASAP!
I very much doubt that Nintendo would base the Twilight Princess on a book that someone else has written, Nintendo have always been as original as posisble when creating Zelda games, this one will be no different.
On the story, after watching the Interview with Mr. Anouma (sorry if mispelt) I was really shocked to find out the details of the bad guy, "Triforce of Wisdom = Zelda, Triforce of Courage = Link and the Triforce of Power......" Ganon has always been the one to hold the Triforce of Power so that hint almost proves that Ganon will feature as the bad guy in Twilight Princess, how exciting!
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