How old are you? I am 17 years young.
What Legend of Zelda games have you played?I have played/completed EVERY LOZ game, I have been a massive fan since the very first game on the NES.
Why do you want to be an Officer?I would like to be an Officer because I would like to help this union to prosper, Zelda is the greatest game series I have ever had the pleasure of playing and I would like to get more people to play this game and post thier feedback here at the Zelda Union.
Are you a Mod/Officer of any other message board or Union? I am not currently a Mod on any other message board, so I am free to dedicate 100% of my time to the Zelda Union!
What unique skill/specialty can you bring to the Legend of Zelda Union as an Officer?As I have played AND completed every Zelda game, I believe my knowledge and understanding of the Zelda series is great. I could offer help and advice on any Zelda game. I also enjoy talking about my expieriences and sharing information especially when it concerns Zelda.
How much time do you spend online posting on message boards each week (estimate)?I am not entirely sure of my activity in this Union, I would like to see more topics and disscusions. I would post more often if more interesting topics were discussed.
What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game and why? My favourite LOZ is most definatley ALTTP. When it was released on the SNES I was stunned. The graphics were unlike anything ever before seen on the SNES. The music was awesome, the story was remincient of a true fairy-tale, the battle between Good and Evil. I was engaged from start to finish. When I finally defeated Ganon with the Light Arrows in the Temple I can not explain the sense of accomplishment I felt.. For me this game holds many memories and is the greates Zelda and the greatest game I have ever played.
What are your other major hobbies/obsessions/fandoms?I enjoy playing games (Obivously!) I also enjoy chilling out, listening to some good music (Rap, Rock and Funky House) and posting here at Gamespot. When I'm home I'm always Online!
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