if just got my ps3 on friday and i don't care if they announce a price drop tommorrow, i've been so happy with it and metal gear solid is amazing i feel its a 400 hundred dollars well spent nhl0994Thats how I felt last year when I got my 40gb version (later turned it into a 320gb version for $90, you can get a 500gb drive for your ps3 now for $100, the cost of 120gb 360 drive...lol) And it has been the most worth purshcase ever. It has so much value! IF only people weren't so cheap. The games like Heavenly Sword, uncharted, gta4, and mgs4 got me to get one. Now I have over 40 ps3 blue-ray disc games and over 25 psn tiltes... and bought a ps2 because of it now too. The psp made me try the ps3 to begin with as i wanted to see what it had to offer considering I found that portable amazing. As for the price drop...I hope people buy it. It will mean even more great games. and Sony unlike ms caters to the hardcore with options creative 1st party games.
world69star69's forum posts
Yeah, n64 ones were HORRIBLE! I hated those, Good thing I never owned a n64, was a ps guy after snes/gene , but played at friends and on pc...total trash games were the n64, right up there with most nintendo 64 games that weren't zelda or mario.I hated the ones on N64, so frustrating and not much fun either.
I just got both last month when I got my ps2 (9 years late ...lol) and they are fun. I wish there was a ps3 3d castlevania game with symphony style level-up and armor and wepaons that show on the character. Not one game has had the depth as symphony of the night, not one. The ds tiles are good but they only let you equip 2 armors, only the weapons show on the characters and there are not many spells and relics etc... They need to make a 3d remake of symphony, a sequel, or a 2.5D remake in Dracula x (psp) or biionic commando rearmed style graphics. Come on IGO bring it out already!Seriously? I know curse of darkness had bland textures and reptitve design but lament of innocence was actually pretty good for what it was and was a great back story for the whole belmont Dracula Beef. seriously I think the 1st game was a pretty decent leap into the 3d space for castlevania and CoD definetly improved upon it by adding multple weapon types and Familiars. Am I the only one that enjoyed those games for what they were?
Yeah right....more like AAA game, did you see the latest trailer....had my jaw dropping. This game is going to own. I can't wait for this game! I already paid for it....only other game I did that for is KZ2! Day one buy!Why is IGN so obsessed with inFamous????
It looks good but honestly it looks like an A game to me nothing higher.
too bad facial animations don't make a game good, they probably should of focused less on that and spent more time on stuff that actually matters
it's one of my favorite PS3 games actually and though it was well done....very underrated
Agreed! It is highly underrated!! GS gave it a bad score an 8, when they praised it for everything, they dinged it 2 whole points for length , as it is only a 6-7 hour game... Horrible considering other games like God of War are that short, it's presntation and detail make up for it. The fact is gs gave every ps3 game in 2007 a bad score..that was back in the bias years and the Gerstmann dibacle, when developers and companies paid off for reviews.... Don't beleive me? look at uncharted got a 8, Ratchet and clan future got a 7.... it was almost like they dinged points for being ps3 exclusives and dinged points for no multiplayer on these games...pathetic. Not every game needs mp. And this is why devs tack on mp now and it sucks, that time could go into making better sp games like this one, but no the review critics put a stop to that. It's a shame too... I am sure glad though that GS and the media has changed it's stance on ps3 games.I just did that last month, and I love it. I was stictly pc last gen. (the ps1 was my last console before this gen) and only got to play some ps2 titles that trickled over like legacy of kain, hitman, and silent hill 3, and 4. I have a ps3 and a psp, thought it only right to have the ps2 as well as my ps3 isn't bc. I picked up 20 some games for the cost of about 3-4 current gen games. Got all suikoden 3-4-5, ff 10-10x2-12, Gow 1-2, DQ8, Persona 3fes, BG Dark Alliance 1-2, Champions of North 1-2, Rogue Galaxy, Castlevania Lament and Darkness, Grandia 2-3, StarOcean 3, Shadow of Collousas, MGS 2-3, and my favorite game so far from that generation of consoles....SIlent HIll 2!!!! --- The pc version of that game was crap as they just put the ps2 version on the pc and was unplayable as the controls sucked and the fmv was super low res on the pc.I'm thinking about getting one myself, since my PS3 isn't B/C. There are so many great games to play on the PS2, that's why it's still selling.
The only thing that sucks is my 16:10 1080p monitor doesn't display the ps2 games in full screen , it puts 5 inch bars on both sides and shows interlacing lines when a lot of movement is on the screen at once. I am loving it though.... I do miss the trophies though when playing on ps2. Still need to buy the jak series, and Wizardry, and killzone 1. Anyone have any other ideas on what i should get for it? (keep in mind I already own a psp, ps3, pc, ds and wii, so games like gta 3, vc,sa, max pain I already own and played on pc.)
This, bioshock and eternal sonata came out last fall on ps3 with improvements in both games. But the majoirty of the game was the same, excpet es has a few new characters and better graphics, bioshock had all the dlc and challenge rooms. They didn't have new names. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is not going to be identiacal .. they are using an entirly new engine, fixing the problems the 360 ng 2 had and adding new levels, multiplayer, and 2 new playable characters. They are changing the name, if this was a few minor tweaks with the same name, i would say than it's not a ps3 exclusive. But ngs2 is ps3 exclusive.its not called NG2, its called NG Sigma 2 so therefore it's an exclusive.
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