Spoken like a true "spray and pray"er. LOts of people get frustrated with DoD because you need very fast accuracy and if you don't draw faster than the other guy, it's all over. Stick with it...the learning curve makes it so much more rewarding than just another Sci-Fi FPS
Well, Sam and Max kinda proved that wrong. The first 4 episodes felt very rushed and they recycled the same dialogue and locations. Not enough new or interesting content in each episode to keep me buying.bogaty
I love LucasArts point-and-click games, and Sam and Max is my second favourite. I love that game... even though I know the solutions to everything I get a kick out of doing the whole thing in a single sitting (I am so sad i know) and I was so stoked about the new ones...
One word.
Biggest gaming disappointment ever. The first one sucked. The second one sucked more. I gave up.
like slowly pulling a Guiness, good things come to those who wait.
I would rather wait for EP2 than have a bad version now.
This does go against episodic content though, which i'm not hugely behind. That suggests deadlines to me (which aren't being met by valve) and i'd rather have something done when it's done.
Episodic content is nice, but I'm happy to wait years for something as awesome as HL2 was.
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