Killzone2 dev's said the engine currently has no support for realtime water reflection they faked the reflection in that killzone2 ad behind the bullet crap. gears of war 2 definitely wins supports realtime reflections FAILURE. people dont seem to know how to make worthy graphics comparisons.
more varied level design, more use of bump/parallax mapping on textures, ability to fire while jumping. actually make a game worthy of being called graphics king.
Can someone explain to me how this grey flat texture ps2 game is console graphics king? gears of war 2 is graphics king, killzone2 doesnt even have water reflections lol.
lol halo's too slow running speed wise and the movement is no different than killzone2 or battlefield or call of duty requires no special learning curve for character movement. i find it funny halo combat evolved had falling damage and then they turned falling damage off on part 2 and 3 for the noobs LOL. regenerating shield's suck, healthbar with no regen or health pack's socom 2 style is the best.
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