simply put, if you like war games, play COD4. if you like space stuff, play halo. i like halo. it was something to do for me. it's just not my thing i guess. A LOT of people love halo. i respect that. i am not asking anyone that LIKES halo 2.5 to trade it, but if you are BORED with it like me, and you have a fair trade value for it, it may benefit you to trade it now before the pre-played market becomes saturated and depletes it's value. that's all i was trying to say.
"If there was something specific about the strategy used in COD4 that you can't do in other games, it would be worth mentioning, but I've seen nobody mention it yet."
difference, to me, at least, is win or lose, it is FAST and FUN.
i haven't even played the campaign as of yet, but i do know that you unlock arcade mode when you have completed it. if you like "bragging rights" for scores and "completing things, you will even have replay value in SP. And in MP, the perks are amazing. you can run-and gun if you want, or you can even use stategy (new idea, you'll read about it i am sure) if you do not have the game yet, do not whine about it. i, for one, took Halo 2.5 (got BORED after the five-six hour campaign or whatever it was and 10 year old kids with hammers "pwning" or whatever it is that they do) back to gamestop and got a $43.50 credit towards COD4 (would have bought it anyway). anyways.........thanks for letting me share. keep in mind that the expressed opinions in this rant, are just that......opinions. i respect yours, please do the same. PEACEwutevrman
So I can understand if you didn't like Halo 3... I was a bit disappointed in it, but I don't see anything in your post about what separates COD4 from Halo 3. Halo 3 had the scoring on campaign (only you didn't have to unlock it), so there appears to be the same kind of replay value in the SP for those who want high scores and full completion. And in multiplayer, you can run and gun, or you can get with a good group of people who want to use strategy and use it. Those groups generally do a lot better anyway. If there was something specific about the strategy used in COD4 that you can't do in other games, it would be worth mentioning, but I've seen nobody mention it yet. Plus, Halo 3 had the map editor for creating new MP game types and split-screen coop and online coop. So what exactly makes COD4 better than Halo 3? Is it just your preferance in graphics or is there something more solid?
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