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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

NHL Blog + some other stuff.

Well I'm going to start off with the NHL, I was thinking for a while thatwhy the Blue Jackets are not winning and the main reason is, they need Depth and I think this is going to be their year, I know alot has happened since the last time the Blue jackets played there final game of the year last year in 09-10, one being the former Cleveland Cavalier playerLeBron James, which has now been given the Cleveland fans another shotnemd"The Betrayal" I hope the CBJ gets more noticed this year I hope we can put this whole LeBron James thing to rest, and PLAY SOME THE GREAT SPORT OF HOCKEY.:D

But also I was wanting to talk alittle bit more about the PS3 Move I think the easiest game is Beach Vollyball, and as for the toughest it would be either Ping Pong, or, Gladiator (Even though Gladiator is the most fun).

I hope everyone enjoied this blog. :)

Qucik Blog about the PS3 Move.

I must start off with this thatI do need to play it more and I think I'm just either playing it too hard or just playing it too much I took a break from it yesterday, butwhatI'm trying to say is and yes I'm telling the honest truth My Arm Hurts after playing for a little bit, but like I did say it hurts, and it hurt around my forearm area, and where my arm bends, so either I strained something or I swung it too hard but anyway, on with the Blog.

I think this PS3 Move is so much fun, I like how the PS3 Eye works, and it calibrates everytime you change to a different game on Sports Champions, but also I like that when you use more force like in Disk Golf or Gladiator you get more power, and for the me I must say Ping pong is really hard to play, but I must say that I think that when it comes time to give this game a rating I'm going to most likly give it a 8.5 to a 9.5, but that's just my own opinion.

But I must say that the PS3 Move is a verygood and funaddtion to the PS3 Gamer, that wantthe gameto be more real.

other then that I hope everyone has a nice Blogging day.

NFC Predictions Blog 2010 + playoffs, and the Super Bowl.

OK time for the NFC this time and I'm starting in the NFC East, I first see the Philadelphia Eagles losing alot of game but not as many as you think I see them going 8-8, then I see the New York Giants going 8-8 aswell, then there was the Washington Redskins, I see them being good enough to go to the playoff as a Wildcard with a 10-6 record, and the Dallas Cowboys are going to go 12-4 this season and winning the NFC East.

Now it's time for the NFC North, I see the Detroit Lions going 4-12, then the Chicago Bears going 6-10, I then see the MinnesotaVikings missing the Playoffs with a Record of only 8-8, then the Green Bay Packers going to the Playoffs with a record of 13-3, which let's them win the NFC North.

Now it time for my most favorite Division the NFC South, I see the the Tampa Bay Buccaneers going only 3-13, the Carolina Panthers going only8-8 record, the New Orleans Saints going 9-7, and the winners of the NFC South is going to be the Atalnta Falcons with a record of 11-5, and making the Playoffs.

Then the final division, the NFC West, the Seattle Seahawks with a record of 2-14, then the Arizona Cardinals, are going to go 6-10, and the St. Louis Rams going 8-8, and then the San Francisco 49ers, going 10-6, and winning the NFC West.

Playoff Time.

AFC: 1.Colts, 2.Ravens, 3.Jets, 4.Chargers, 5.Texans, 6.Bengals.
NFC: 1.Packers, 2.Cowboys, 3.Falcons, 4.49ers, 5.Redskins, 6.Saints.

I see in the 1stAFC Wildcard games, the Jets Vs. Bengals, I see the Jets winning, and for the 2nd game in the AFC Wildcard games it will be, Chagers Vs. Texans, and I see the Texans winning, and then in the 1stNFC Wildcard game It will be, the Falcons Vs. Saints, and the Falcons are going to win, and the 2nd Wildcard game, the 49ers Vs. Redskins, and the 49ers winning this game.

2nd Round is going to be a graet bunch of Match-ups, 1st up the AFC , the Colts Vs. Texans,Colts winning that game then the Ravens Vs. Jets, the Jets winning that game, then the NFC the 1st match-up is, Packers Vs. 49ers, Packers winning this game, and thenthe 2nd game is Cowboys Vs. Falcons, I see the Cowboys winning.

AFC Divisional Round is going to be theColts Vs. Jets, I see the Colts winning, in a close one, and the NFC Divisional Round, it's going to be the Packers Vs. Cowboys, and I see the Cowboys losing this game, and I see them losing in the final seconds with a Field Goal, as the Packers win.

Super Bowl time, I see the Super Bowl being ok not the best but I like to see a good game coming out of these two, but in the end I see the Green Bay Packers Winning.

Thank you for reading this I hope everyone enjoied reading this.

And don't for get Have a Nice Blogging Day. :P

AFC Predictions Blog 2010

I'm going to Predict about this years AFC Divsionsinthis blog.

I will start in the AFC East, I see alot of teams winning alot of Games this year I don't see anyone of these teams being bad, but I think each division needs a dissapionting team and that is going to be, the Buffalo Bills with a record of 4-12, and then the Miami Dolphins will have a 9-7 record, and the New England Patriots will have a 9-7 record also, anmd the AFC East Winners will be, the New York Jets with a record of 10-6.

And now on to the AFC North, this division is a funny division, with some good rivials in this one, but now on to the prediction, I see the ClevelandBrowns being a funny team this year with a record of 12-4 :o NO, that can't be right, they will be 4-12 just to flip the wins for losses and the losses to wins, :Pbut then I see the Pittsbrugh Steelers going 6-10, then the Cincinnati Bengals going 9-7, and the Baltimore Ravens going to win the AFC North with a 11-5 record, and the CincinnatiBengals with a Wildcard slot.

AFC South is going to be a good division to watch aswell, but here we go, the Tennessee Titans going 6-10, then the Jacksonvillie Jaguars will go 7-9, and the Houston Texans going 10-6, and the Indianapolis Colts going 12-4 and winning theAFC South, with the Houstons Texans going to the playoffs with a Wildcard slot,

AFC West is the Final division of the night, I see the Kansas City Chiefs going 3-13, then the Oakland Raiders going 8-8, then the Denver Broncos will go 8-8, then the San Diego Chargers going 9-7, and they would win the AFC West.

I will extend to this in my Next Blog when IPredict about the NFC Divsions. :)

What been going down and some other things.

I think I'm trying too hard to think up of different Blog names and not just blogging.

But I must Blog, on and blog on strong.

So what has been happening, well I have just finished another one of my Fantasy drafts only instead of it being Hockey of Football, it was Basketball, I was thinking of a good name for that team and it is call LBJ can stick it, :lol: which is a full shot at LeBron James, because of what he left the Cavaliers and went to the Miami Heat, and I didn't pcik him nor D. Wade, or C. Bosh, or any Miami Heat players at that. :)

And then there was this past weekend where I bought a Guitar Hero Wireless Guitar, so I set there I also bought Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, the PS3 game from Gamestop, so then when my Brother came other to have Dinner he had Guitar Hero 5, and Guitar Hero: Metallica, and Band Hero, so now I'm set for now until the PS3 Move and WWE SD Vs. R 2011, comes out. :D

and then there is the Future thought of WWE Night of Champions, I see Kane Vs. The Undertaker being really good, with Kane possabliy winning and then at Hell in the Cell, the Undertaker winning, and then they then have one more at Wrestlemania 27, also at Night of Champions, in the Six Pack challenge I see the Winner being either Randy Orton, or Sheamus, also in other matches I see WWE lettin g Daniel Bryan winning Vs. the Miz, and the WWE Womens Champion, Vs. Diva's Champion winner gets both Championships, will be Melina,

But other then that I hope everyone enjoy this blog, and Have a Blogging day. :D

I'm blogging Again.

Whelp I'm going to explain why I haven't been blogging here on Gamespot, the number one reason is I just didn't feel like it too much, and then the second reasonis I've been sick, and still am, but it's nothing too bad, it's just Sinus and Ear Infection, but other then that I've been fine, I hope everyone is ready for a great blog because this is going to be a good one.

I've haven't really been playing the PS3 that much but I've played it enough, to suit me.

But that really isn't why I'm bloggingI wanted to say that I'm still wanting the PS3 Move, and Sports Champions bundle I'm also hoping to buy some other things, but I think something else I must say is I'm having some trouble with my printer and so I had to go back to my first one as a back up until I get a new one, and I'm not going to splurge and buy everything off of my things I want for X-Mas so all in all I'm thinking of buying a few things, like the PS3 Move and Sports Champions bundle, and maybe Fallout: New Vagas.

But the things I'm not going to buy are as follows a new Printer (not fully sure of this too much), a new Flat Screen Monitor for my PC, like I said before this one is getting up there in age, and a new beard trimmer so I can straighten and shorten the length of the hair ofmy Goatee I have going for Hockey Season.

But other then for those three things that is really it, but we are only inSeptember, and my B-Day is this month, I'm going to be 25, this year, andI'm really feeling it a little. :P

And finally I want to point out that I'm still looking for more Peoiple for my Yahoo Fastasy Hockey League, beacuse the Draft is coming up quick, and if I don't have enoughManagers for the Draft then I will move it, I need 10 more Managers, and I'm hopingto get enough to draft but if not then like I already said I would move it.

Other then that I hope everyone has a nice and Safe Labotr Day Weekend (US Holiday) :)

PS3 Tomorrow, Yes + Life goes on Part 2.

The reason for this topic is,I'm going Blog my way into getting myself to play my PS3, :P butyeah I hope this really works, I was either thinking aboutplaying either, Fallout 3, or something else, I know I want to play but I just don't think I can, but I know I can, it just is that......................................... I'M LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:

So now that, that's out of the way I think I'm going to talk alittle about some other things, I know that I'm getting really board at home the only real problem is I can't drive, :( aslo I don't care for the way I look right at this point in my life, my body is the most hated for me, I can't stand it when some guy that is in shape and is well built-up in with a lot ofMuscle, treats girls wrong, or even skinny guys that think they are pimps and don't treat girls right, but I guess that's just what God want them to be is a waste, the reason why, I'm talking about this is I have not that well fit body, but I would treat a girl right I'm thee nicest guy once you would get to know me. :)

I hope no one that IS reading this is offended in anyway what so ever. but that is the problem for the Month for now, but also I'm wanting my life to trun around and everything, but I guess it's not going to happen over night and I know that, but I'm just feeling upset with myself in so many differentways, like I have had a Girlfriend(s), before I started having Seizures then we didn't officially break up but I'm not blaming her at all it's all on me I couldn't keep up with her, and so we just lost contacting each other, and then there was another gil that I really liked but I couldn't get her to come over to my house and Watch wrestling, she was the only Girl that was a friend that liked Wrestling, but then there was my first girl that Ialways liked but couldn't get her to understand orhow to get her to be a girlfriend, but she is and will always be my most favorite, until that right girl comes along, but aso everyone can tell I don't have anything to really blog about other then for the darn life I've been going through.

But I do feel better and everything but I would like to also remind myself to play the PS3 Tomorrow. :)

I hope everyone had a nice weekend, and a nice week, who really know I could blog again tomorrow. :?

Blog all ya Later
wwe4ever_in05 AKA The Player8505. :D

Don't got anything better to do let's BLOG.

What shall we blog about today the day after Summerslam, oh I know how about Summerslam. :P

Well let me first talk about the Match of the night, I think it was the 7 on 7 Elimination match,Team WWE Vs. Nexus, I knew that WWE was going to win, but with how it was looking I think WWE could of had a better way to have that match end, I didn't like how WWE let Cena win the match when he was down 2-1, and even when it was1-1 Cena pulls something out of his ASS, and won it with the STF,, on the Leader of Nexus Wade Barrett, but I guess that is how that goes, then the next question is, who was the 7thand final Member of Team WWE, we thought it was going to be The Miz after the fact that he decided on that very night to be apart of the team, but then there something I read that said that Triple H was going to be in it, but in the end Team WWE pick the American Dragon Daniel Bryan.

In other matches the SES Vs. The Big show was ok, Big Show's hand was ok, it turned out that it had healed, and Big Show pinned both Joey Mercury, and Luck Gallows as CM Punk was going to the Back it was orignally a 3 on 1 match, but Punk ran off.

I also like the Kane Vs. Rey Mysterio match, Kane won or else I wouldn't be talking about it, and then after the match The Undertaker came back and attacked Kane but Kane laid him out.

Sheamus Vs. Randy Orton Ended in a DQ, Orton won but he didn't get the Championship, Sheamus was going to use the Chair and then the Ref stopped Sheamus then Sheamus threw the Ref outside.

Melina won the WWE Diva's Championship from Alicia Fox, Ithought it was an ok match.

There was one more match and that was Kofi Kingston Vs. Dolph Ziggler for the IC Championship but it ended when Nexus attacked both of them.

And now onto other stuff, I like to say that I'm trying to get a Platinum, for Modnation Racers, but I heard that it's really hard to get, but it's either that or Fallout 3, I hope it Fallout 3, since Fallout: New Vegas is going to be coming out very soon, also I must sayI'm1% away from being at level 6for my PSN Account.

I will say that I hope to do some fun things in the near future.

I hope everyone has a nice week and until next time Have a Blogging day. :D:)

Life the Story that keeps on going. :)

I should first off like to say that I did Platinum another game WWE Legends Of Wrestlemania, so that now proves that I can beat games, even though those games that I did Platnumize were wrestling games and a bunch ofClassic Sega Games. :?

But I guess that is ok, but anyway I hope everyone had a nice weekend, and I'm going to be pre-Ordering the PS3 Move soon with all of the Money that I will get from the trade in of, Sonic's Classic Collection and a Gamecube controller, and a few other things, but yeah PS3 Move is coming soon and I can't wait. :D

I am hoping to get done with some more PS3 Games and also I'm way over 100 Trophiesnow, so I can stop worringsoo much about that.

One game I won't be able to finish is NHL 10, and Fallout 3, but maybe if I buckle down and try really hard then I could make it. :)

But other then that I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the Day. :)

Blogging in August.

Well I guess I should first start off by saying I know I'm going to have a great rest of theSummer, with Summerslam coming up, I think I'm going to be enjoying itthis year, unless Kane loses to Rey Mysterio, I think that may happen since Rey Mysterio is being shownin the Night of Champions PPV Poster, even though the PPV Poster could change.

I think also Summerslam is going to be a great PPV even though I still may not get the PPV, unless I like what the rest of the PPV Card looks like.

I also must say that I'm playing NHL 10, as myself and trying to unlock some more trophies, and I'm still stuck at 99 trophies, but I'm thinking about going with my second idea, to get to 100 trophies and beyond, I'm thinking about getting an easytrophy from playing WWELegends of Wrestlemania.

I also went to see Dispicable Me, last Wednesday night and I found it too be a really reallynice Movie, the next Movie that I want to see is Cat and Dogs 2, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to see it if anyone would want to see it with me. :)

And while we are talking about Movies I didn't see it but I heard that Dinner for Schmucks was a dumb movie. :?

Now to MLB Baseball, I love how well the Colorado Rockies are playing right now, and I know Coloado just won the series Vs. Chicago Cubs, but I think this there August and September Buzz, is starting and the NL West will be the Rockies this year, but also I cansee the Reds winning the NL Central, and the Braves in theNL East, and the Cardinalsfor the NL Wildcard, and then there is the AL East going to be won by the Rays, the White Sox in the AL Central, the AL West is going to the Rangers, and finally I see the Yankees winning the AL Wildcard, and then for the Wrold Series it will be the Texas Rangers Vs. the Colorado Rockies, and of courseI pick the Rockies in 5 games.

Well I hope everyone enjoied this Blog, have a nice night.:):)