I honestly think Punk should get his shot but with out the Cena Firing part is dumb it's like they want everyone to think that Cena could get fired but like everyone here knows he won't, but it would be cool to see Cena lose and then Punk comes out the next night, and says that Punk actully signed a new contract with WWE so then Punk then goes on to say that he got Cena Fired and won the WWE Championship, but ofcourse then Vince would come out and say that Punk is wrong that Cena isn't fired, and then we have a match for SummerSlam Punk Vs. Cena,
But I can't forget about Alberto Del Rio winning the match Vs. Truth and Mysterio, snd I think it's going to be Alberto Del Rio winning the Raw MITB match. ;)
I honestly think it's going to be someone that they want to push but not quickly, it could be Riley, or Truth but it won't be Alberto Del Rio, it could also be The Miz, but I just don't want Mysterio winning it.
No Count out match is like a WCW Hardcore match only with out the Weapons, becauseof you have to pin in the Ring.
I think they just picked the no count out match because it was the closest thing to a normal match on the wheel. I'm just glad they didn't do a stupid pole match or pillow fight for those two.
Good Point.
I like how they are going to use the Roulette Wheel to make some of the matches for all the bad voting from last week.
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