Frames shouldn't be the focus, it should be how fun the games are. With these huge dev cycles and massive financial backing, games should be fun to play first and foremost. Yes frames and resolution adds to the immersion, but what good are they in a world that isn't worth being immersed in?
Great episode. I'm loving how the player is given a choice as to how mature Clementine becomes. The scene where Kenny "does the deed" especially, where Clem can stay or leave, was brilliantly done. I chose to stay, and Clementine seemed 10 years her senior contrasted to the girl who chose to leave and beg Kenny mercy. This is the gaming experience I love - high on intrigue and emotion, low on frustration and skill restraint. Great review, and can't wait for Episode 4!
I dunno man, I play one round of Titanfall then get super bored waiting like a minute and a half for the next round to start. Insurgency is my go to shooter when I have a quarter hour to spare.
wyshouldi02's comments