I don't believe it to harm your box in anyway. It seems like a lucky fix, and possibly, the error will occur again. You need to search more specifically on which red rings you were getting. or if you were getting an error on screen such as; E74. Otherwise as long as its working for you. Continue.
Are there any Desktop tower defense type games on the psp? I really enjoy Crystal Defender on my 360, and Am looking to be able to play something like that at work on breaks and what not... Thanks in advance :D
I'm lookin for a new rpg game, thats like Balders gate, or.. Champions Return to Arms. I've played Too Human, Not my kinda thing. I've seen Dragon Age preview and what not but.. No mp...?
Never played halo 3 to begin with, since the first 2 games were that disappointing, the game is too slow, thats why there are better things out there for bungie to worry about. Release a decent game bungie, then don't worry.
I don't even know her all that well, In fact we've hardly had a conversation, since FFVII. But Aeris and I we're talking and apparently she has a thing for cloud, I asked Vincent and he agreed with Aeris, So I'm just going to stay out of the situation before the whole thing ends up on springer.
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