x2926014 / Member

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x2926014 Blog

2 all friends.

Me and firesausage made a site it's:


I would like to get parternship with gamespot but i dont know if that is possible.

Plz register and comment on the forums and stuff :)

Another thing.

I am going to delete all people that don't comment on my blog and stuff...I'm sick of commenting on everyone's blog and everyone screws about me... Not everyone there are cool people that comment, and stuff.

Thanks and plz register :)

Hey OHhhhhhhhh!!!

So as of today...I'm going to start to make one blog every 26th of every month...Why? Ask my cousin!


I got drafted for an english competition...I really hate the fact i'm the teachers pet seeing that i hate her so much :) Firesausage and her are BFF's! :lol:

Nothing' more :D

You are free to leave now children of god :)

10.000G achieved!!Also big blog!WITH PICTURES!


Liek first of all i got the BANHAMMER!! For a couple of day's so that explains i didn't comment on your blogs :D

I got the 10.000G goal of the year a couple of day's ago!! Now here is my Top 5 achievements!


A Dish Best Served Cold
Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore Difficulty 30

Well this one was a hard achievement...I played this on hard alone and it was a hard boss...


Partners in Crime
Completed all campaign missions in co-op 100

This one was friggin' sweet and fun'! I got it with Firesausage...

Number 3:

Sith Master
Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started. 100
Obtained 30-3-2009

Well this one was one of those i screamed with the tv...Just ask my brother :lol:

Number 2:

Playing To Win!
Win 10 ranked matches in a row 50
Obtained 30-3-2009

Well i'm very proud of this one! I got it with akuma! I wanted to boost this one (it lead me to my suspension) But i got it legit and it was very hard... If you have SFIV you'll know that most of the people just spam's attack either with Viper or KEN i friggin' hate it! But i'm loving the game :D


Campaign complete:Legendary 125
Obtained 4-10-2008

Well i unlocked all the dificulty setting's with this one.4 Sweet achievements earned with my swet and blood! (Neither one of those --')

Now bloggy!

I wen't and see Gran Torino at the movies...For my surprise no teenagers on the movie...Shame on them!

It's a great movie and the end is very sad :( (Clint die's) Ups :P
can't wait until it comes out on dvd!

I recomend you to go see it!

Also i wen't to see Watchmen with firesausage and fabinho (He's very cool!)
Well at first they didn't let us in so we had to go to another movie meet my father and then they let us in -.-''
The movie was neat not what i wanted to see tho...I thought it was better --'...Lot's of porn and violence firesausage loved it!
While me and FS were watching fabinho (He's very cool!) Was laughing and spitting coca cola all over the place...Argh xD

Then some kids let the popcorns drop and i started laughing and Firesausage started nagging me so i be more polite...

Now school! I raised my marks :D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D!!!

Now i'm gonna let ye go! Xau!´

(Fabinho is very cool :lol: )

I got tagged!! (again)

Yeh the 2nd time i got tagged... I have to say 15 random things about me :D So here it goes...

1- I wear glasses.
2- I hate when people touch my legs.
3- I hate when people throw water at me.
4- I'm learning how to play the guitar
5- I have an epiphone special guitar
6- I have anger management issues
7- I love Matt Groening's cartoon's
8- I'm 1.62 m
9- I'm 14
10- I'm wearing underpants :lol:
11- I don't like football/racing games... (BOOOOORING)
12-When i was 5 years oldi fell from the 1st floor and i had a head trauma or something :?
13- I broke the head of a dude
14- I hate school :D
15- I hate penguins!

Yeah so i tag:

You've been tagged :lol:
Next blog will be when i reach 10.000G :D:D



First the bad news...

The french students came here to portugal and i didn't socialized with them enough...:( I couldn't go to the "sarau" like a party...Because my parents' where working :( Well that's life for you :cry:

Anyway's my bro got Sf4 (i hate it) and killzone2 (luv it :))

Street fighter is taking life of me... -.-'''

Killzone is simply beutifal (badly written i know)

And i got a goal of the year and firesausage is kinda helping me out...I want to reach 10.000G this year :)

I learnt how to play new guitar musics like U2 and Guns and roses...I need to practice more but now there's a lot of test's and i got to study hard :S...

Yeah good luck with your life buckaroo's!

Sig and news!

First off the sig:

Yup :lol:


I am taking guitar lessons so i can be a real life guitar hero!


Anyways i started taking lessons today and i liked it allot!But i still haven't played guitar but that's normal...

I'm taking Electric Guitar only and stuff...


My return to photoshop is well....c***py

After nearly 1 year of my photoshop deletion i got it today again thanks to my uncle...And i made a not so good sig...

I've been out of photoshop for a long time so please remember this :P

It's pretty bad and stuff but i'll get better again in no time :)

But i'll just be able to come here in another week so im not going to be active so sorry dudes :)

Newz! (I'm so cool i wrote "newz" instead of "news"

Well let's talk about my life since the last blog....

I ended a s***load of games like gears of war 2 and fallout 3...I ended gh4 on hard also!

I bought l4d and i'm about to buy star wars force unleashed (it's cheap :P)

Firesausage had his birthday (that's the happy birthday i was talking about :lol: )

I'm playing cod5 online...Not 2 much going on with my life now :S
