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x360magnet Blog

Really Smart People GLasses

Alright, so I was in my English CLass when my teacher was being a bad word when i stumbled upon the best idea ever!! Theyr glass that when you put them on, knowledge is instantly shot into your brain. Very painful, very smart.

Thats it


Yo Yo Yo my name is joe, I dont like spagehtti so i eats mah toe

Hey GS, Its been like ages since i been on here. Wow

I been playin the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. That game is the sickest game in the history of the world...beside Halo 3. Well, right now I and the Gray Fox, a Mages Guild associate, a Fighters Guild Guilmaster, and a Madod in the Shivering Isles. I would be a Masges Guimaster, but when I was on the RING OF BURDEN quest i kinda glitched my game. I went in the well and CARRIED the ring until i got to the ladder out. When at the laddr i picked up the ring,(became burdened) and immediately got on the ladder cuz i was close enough. However, when onthe surface i had to drop the ring so i could carry/pick up at the Mages Guild. Well, the ring was so heavy in fact that when i dropped it it fell straight through the ground. So i went back to the well and have died several times since trying to swim through the wall in order to get the Ring of Burden. Oh well.

Also, on May 27, 2008; I Spike Jones shall become one year older than I realy am. See how i didnt give my age or name by using an alias and being smart with my words. THats one of the advantages of being married. DANG!!! HAHA jk. Im not married. But if you want to give me a call, my number is 1 760 204 5412. Also, my home phone is 1 858 492 8002

alright, if ur bord just giv me a ring


Christmas...I tricked Santa Claus

Well if Santa qualifies as a big fat guy with a beard, red nose, and candy, then thats my dad. Hehe lov ya pops

I'm starting to belive in Santa for two reasons. First, I hid a video camera in my parents room and they werent movin to put present under the tree. Second, me and my dad went to buy Halo 3 Limited Edition like a month ago and now Santa brought me the Halo 3 Legendary edition that comes with a whole nother copy of Halo 3

Maybe my parents are just spoilin me

if you want a copy of halo 3 i got it

im selin it for like 60 buks

In other news, I GOT GUITAR HERO 3, but my parents werent smart enough to buy the whole game bundle. SO now i just have Guitar Hero 3 on 360 and i tryed to play it with the controller(ver hard btw)

ya thats it for now


Exams ar coming to reap your soul...and life...and aweosmeness...and games...

Yep thats right, guess what are comin up next week(for me anyway)


Ugh. Hey guys I bet yall missed me. Ive been off and on but never really thought to update my blog. I tried to act like Button_man and NEVER update my latest blog, but thats too hard, (We still love ya BM)

In other news, I just got Guitar Hero on my fone!!! As son as I saw the link for CNET, I immediately went to GET IT NOW and totally downloaded GH at hyperspeed. Like how I integrated a GH joke into that last sentence. All those GH haters are all like "that joke was gay and if you GH haters leave that as a comment I am gonna be all like UR MOM IS GAY!!

Sorry, school has changed a month. I am now even more random and awesome thatn ever for two reasons

1) Cuz I use alotta parenthesis (((((((((((((((((((((((((((sonic boom)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

2) I beat Jordan on GH II on hyperspeed, but by the end of the song I was having an epileptic seizure :shock:

Also, over the past few weeks that I wasnt blogging I was playing Halo 3 online (Whoo-hoo!) That games is like the all time game in the world for any reason that anyone can think of. I even love the lagging.......ok maybe not but its still awsom

Ummmmm ya I m totally typing the fastest I have ever typed in my life

OH YEAH!! I just got the new SOAD album Hypnotize and I put all those songs including the ones from Mezmerize on my PSP along with some Avenged Sevenfold and some MCR(not so good) and I am ROCKIN OUT. If you have heard AS's song BURN IT DOWN then you know that that song and BAT COUNTRY are definitely that bands greates hits on that CD

Ok thats all for now

I will try to start blogging again and adding games to my list and writing reviews but with school being a B**** its gonna be so HARD!!!!


OMG! Half Year Exams

Yep thats right, guess what are comin up next week(for me anyway)


Ugh. Hey guys I bet yall missed me. Ive been off and on but never really thought to update my blog. I tried to act like Button_man and NEVER update my latest blog, but thats too hard, (We still love ya BM)

In other news, I just got Guitar Hero on my fone!!! As son as I saw the link for CNET, I immediately went to GET IT NOW and totally downloaded GH at hyperspeed. Like how I integrated a GH joke into that last sentence. All those GH haters are all like "that joke was gay and if you GH haters leave that as a comment I am gonna be all like UR MOM IS GAY!!

Sorry, school has changed a month. I am now even more random and awesome thatn ever for two reasons

1) Cuz I use alotta parenthesis (((((((((((((((((((((((((((sonic boom)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

2) I beat Jordan on GH II on hyperspeed, but by the end of the song I was having an epileptic seizure :shock:

Also, over the past few weeks that I wasnt blogging I was playing Halo 3 online (Whoo-hoo!) That games is like the all time game in the world for any reason that anyone can think of. I even love the lagging.......ok maybe not but its still awsom

Ummmmm ya I m totally typing the fastest I have ever typed in my life

OH YEAH!! I just got the new SOAD album Hypnotize and I put all those songs including the ones from Mezmerize on my PSP along with some Avenged Sevenfold and some MCR(not so good) and I am ROCKIN OUT. If you have heard AS's song BURN IT DOWN then you know that that song and BAT COUNTRY are definitely that bands greates hits on that CD

Ok thats all for now

I will try to start blogging again and adding games to my list and writing reviews but with school being a B**** its gonna be so HARD!!!!


Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Hey ii just saw this movie and it stank! I mean it doesnt follow the comics even in the slightest sense. GALACTUS is not a planet he is abeing Morons!! Also, WTH is up withDr. Doom coming back and stuff. The F4 couldve done jsut as fine or even better w/o Doom in the way!!!

Sorry but i love Silver Surfer but now I hat him because of what Hollywood turned him into.

Lastly, the SS dosnt lose his powers if off his board, nor can the signal be scrambled by the military. Also, his board is not a beacon for Galactus because Galactus banned him to stay within the realm of Earth forever(leaving the SS alone) so Earth could never have been in any real danger from the SS!!!

Franch Dressing

Hehe so me and my friend were at the cafeteria about to buy our salads(mandatory at our school) and he asks for some Ranch dressing. The lunch lady was all like" we dont got no more of dat Ranch but we do gots some French"

My friend was slightly angered that they didnt have his Ranch but he just payed anyway. Then I step up there and still having the words French and Ranch in my head I ask for some Franch Dressing.

My friend and I died laughing but the lunch lady was all like"WE DONT HAVE ANY RANCH!!!)

This made me and my frend laugh harder. So by the time we are done laughing and eating our salads with our gay French Dressing, we decide to make a new dressing. Yes Franch dressing is a mix of Ranch and French.

Coming soon is the Bacon Franch, Lite Franch, and even Cheesy Franch (with slight mixture of tomato)

If you dont think this is as funny as i do then thats cuz its one of those inside jokes. OH well back to the mental institution.


I won 50$ at a Guitar Hero Contest!

Yes it is true, I am a real Guitar Hero. It was at Chik-fil-a and it went on and on til midnight. I lost to some kid whose whole life was made up of Guitar Heo,(NERD). Also, because i only got second place, people still sayed that I was a loser,(only a few people tho). Lastly, I downloaded thw GH III demo and i love it. I can fimally play Expert with the standard controller.

Oh Yeah!!! I got off grounding from last blog. I spoke to my mom about the misunderstanding and she was like, "Make sure it doesnt happen again." Ya whatever. Anyway, since i havnt been on for a while, I was womdering who would like to play Halo 3 online with me because for one i need some friends and also because i want to know at least someone on LIVE.

Finally, I think you should all know that I went paintballing on Sunday!!!! It was like the 5th time in my life so i was still a little nervous, but like playing on LIVE, I got over it by the 3rd game. Though the whole day was good, There was one thing that turned it bad. Towrds the end of the day, we were playing free for all. If youve played free for all with 20 people, you know how hard it is to stay alive. Anyway, so i go to sneak up and make som guy surrender. Well, it turns out that my voice decides to crack right as i go to shout SURRENDER,(Friggin puberty!) So the guy shot at me and like 3 of his shots hit me in the one place that didnt need it. Thats right he took the money shot. Literally. So now im stuck in crutches and it hurts to pee.

If you believe in praying, then pray for my frenz in California, I used to live in Escondido, becasue of all the wild fires. Ya thats it for now.

If you want to be my friend on LIVE look up my Gamertag PLEASE!!!


I snapped that thing so fast...

I was talking to my fried tho other day and my mom walked in on our conversation right as he said he hated the government and wished it was different, (we were talking about one of those civilization games). So my mom asked him why he thought this. And of course he tried to explain those crazy game rules to where you cant go anywhere or do anyting, but my mom thought he meant our government. SO, she sent my friend home and told me that i couldnt talk to him cuz she thought he was a communist or somthing. As oyu can tell, my parents are really patriotic...REALLY patriotic

The next day, my frind,(same guy) and i were talkin and he handed me his fone. I had to call my parents at home to tell them i was at the ice cram shop. Well, geuss who answered the fone. So, since my mom dint know the number, she asked whos fone it was. Not paying attention, i told her who i was with and she flipped. She grounded me from almost everything. She packed up my 360 and almost smashed it up. Because she was shouting at em , i got mad . So mad that i snapped my friends Z3 in pieces.

So now i owe my friend a fone, dont have a 360, my own fone, a TV, nor can i talk to my frenz...any of them.

If you have Q's about this story PM them to me and il answer them.

YEAH SON!!! (caps)

ALright so i need some people to give me their gamertags if they have HALO 3 because i want to play campaign with yall and finally beat this friggin game on either Heroic or Legendary so ya if you see me on send me a friend request with your name on this site so i know its you.

Also, does anyone know how to get into a lawnmower store without using your hands. Cuz apparently there was this lady that broke into a lawnmower store "unarmed" and I dont see how thats possible. :)