@Dystopian-X Awesome find brah
@herpderp9000 cheesyjon painted or photoshopped it, look at his post.
x3ni1992's forum posts
Heres what I have to offer.
1. The logo is a face
2. LG is in the face
3. If you move the L upwards, you can see Pac-man.
Your turn folks.lightleggy
I always knew that LG was a face...
Most people do, I was just stating it from the most obvious to the least obvious. The 3rd ones the one most people don't notice.Heres what I have to offer.
1. The logo is a face
2. LG is in the face
3. If you move the L upwards, you can see Pac-man.
Your turn folks.
Reserecting the dead, :D
I can't...I have a DSi. ):
I find your lack of grammar, to be humorous.I find it not funny.
it is very true, was announced in September I believe, I may be off by a couple months though..Another season is coming out in 2010!
I never heard of this, if it is true then that is the best news i have heard all day!
I just saw those exact words on another b oard and then came here and read this thread title, weird. Yeah I love Futurama.Brainkiller05oh really what board o: [QUOTE="cjek"]I think the reason Futurama is so good is that the humour is more subtle than in say, Family Guy or The Simpsons, which use in-your-face comedy. It means that for these other shows, an episode is only funny once or twice in say, 6 months or a year. As the years go on and you see them more, they eventually become unwatchable. Because you tend to 'forget' the humour in Futurama, you can watch them more frequently and many times in the future. I simply cannot watch Series 3 of The Simpsons, because I know when all the funny parts would have been. I can still watch pretty much any Futurama episode and still get a laugh. Very true. I still find The Simpsons funny though.
Futurama is king. In my honest opinion Futurama is one of the best Animated Comdies, ever.
What are your opinions on Futurama?
Are you pumped for the new season in the Summer of 2010? I AM! :D
PS: I am Bender, please insert girder; is a great way to piss someone off. THE MORE YOU KNOW!
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