A really goood Star Wars game for the console would be awesome. But you know what pops Microsofts greedy little knuckles? That kinect game they are working on, where to get from one spot to the next, you put your arms behind you like tinkerbell. Uhmmm... genius's the lot of them...can't get kinect - the game - and the controller to work in a reasonable fashion. Good grief just give me a controller in hand if that's your plan for running from one spot to the next; forget kinect ever existed.
And lets not forget their vision for Ghost Recon: To shoot, just open your palm in front of you. To stop shooting, just close your palm. LMAO. Might as well put a mic on ya and yell, "pew pew pew, your dead! I got ya!" seeing as how they don't intend to put some peripheral device in your hand, like say, a light gun. For the life of me, I can only envision idiotlets having fun opening his palm to shoot, closing his palm to stop shooting.
Okay, I ranted. I hope some developer who I have not heard about yet is indeed making great games in the traditions of Bioware. But at this time, I've seen nothing of the likes on the horizon.
Not that I want to make this a long thread but Star Trek Online was going to the be on the 360 along with the PC. Having hindsight, we were spared that POS due to some disagreement between Cryptic and Microsoft.
And finally, Phantasy Star Online was on the 360, PS2, and PC. Although the content was shallow and the developers petered out in the end, the fact that the 360 had built in mic made the 360 version the funnest game to play.
In answer to the threads question? At this time Microsoft is drilling every developer to use the kinect in their game, no matter the stupid factor. Apparently developers are listening. And that is why you won't see a triple A developer give Microsoft the time of day.
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