A while ago i posted wether i should get Bioshock or Fallout 3.
I then decided that ill get Fallout 3
Ive been recently looking at Far Cry 2 and now ive got another friggin choice to make!!!
so anyway, i gotta decide between Fallout 3 and Far Cry 2. I loved both Oblivion and Far Cry and ill eventually get both. Theyre both long and great games but because LBP and resistance 2 are coming out i gotta get one of them.
Im leaning towards Fallout 3 right now because it looks sick but i dunno is there anything i dont know about that would convince me to buy Far Cry or Fallout?
Well i think that story is fine and all but then how come in MGS2 on the tanker, Ocelot has liquid's voice when he says :" BROTHER... ITS BEEN TOO LONG"
If kojima can answer that question and how a bunch of computers ACTUALLY took over the world then ill be satisfied.
im deciding between getting fallout 3 or bioshock but cant get both. Which one?
And please dont say get both cuz i still gotta get games like resistance 2 and Little Big Planet.
So which one should i get?
Ill get both eventually. Ive already played bioshock and its awesome but ive also played oblivion and i really enjoyed that so i really dont know which one
The first shadow of the colossus was sick and i cant wait fot the second (hope theyre making it)
Anyway, i got this idea for the second. It would be a prequel and would start off with the hero (not the same guy as the first), going into the land and trying to get a wish granted by killing colossi (or somethin else?) Anyway, this time there would be 100 colossi. About 50 would be medium sized (like the little bull-type colossus in the first) that would be all around the world and the other 50 would be MASSIVE. Also, this game would explain why there are only 16 colossi and not 100.
This is my idea and is just a thought. Don't get pissed and say "this idea sucks" and all that other s#!* that people say. If u like it thats good and if u have another idea go ahead and say it. I just hope that they make a second shadow of the colossus and that its better than the first (if thats possible)
I love snake but hes too old... they should remake the first two (Metal Gear not Metal Gear Solid) when hes young and use the same gameplay and add more to the story and more levels and stuff.
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