just unequip any gun or melee weapon. basically have the fist "equipped" and thats the end of that all the baddies go away. u just go up to him and yeah follow what it says on screen.
ive been waiting for this moment and restrained myself not to buy another controller until rumble came back, so yeah ill be using the DS3 as my main and sixaxis as a secondary
PARENTs are not saying ANYTHING about Manhunt 2 :S my mom doesnt care, she thought the first one was fun, when she used to go into my room and ask "what are you doing?.. OH manhunt! .. strangle him with a plastic bag!" .. so yeah. Maybe your parents.. mine dont care. and they never did. since i was 9 i could play the games i want. since i was old enough to decide for myself.. so get the facts right ;)zeforgotten
yeah. my dad beat it before i did. go figure. parents ey.
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