I am looking for some good cheap eshop games. I like just about any kind of games besides sports. would like a good rpg. thanks
xNewman69x's forum posts
i would really like to see more local coop support for pc. I hate having to buy games on ps3 just for coop. With steambox coming and the AW console like pc do you think we will see more local coop?
I am liking the system so far, i had a wii, Never really played it at all. Jumped on to the WiiU bandwagon 2 days before launch after seeing zombiu, camped out and ended up getting one. I am impressed with it, hardware isn't really impressive, but the couch mutiplayer is top tier, playing nintendoland and new super mario bros u, or passing around the tablet seeing who can live longest in zombiu. I don't know how well the wiiu will hold up against the upcoming systems, and i could see it becoming the next dreamcast, thoughts?
anyone know where i can order the offical nintendo one in Canada? i got the cheap EB games one for now just incase,
Will you be getting one? i am going to check my local EB Games ( canada ), hopefully they got one, i got a fear of damaging my screen lol.
i exchanged my 1st wiiU for a black one, lost my ID, so anyone can add my new one xSniperWolfx, just as a heads up, your ID is LOCKED to your WiiU, and cannot be moved to another WiiU.
I just bought a 3DS, i am looking for some good games to get for it, i never had a DS or 3DS, so everything is new to me. I like just about any kind of game.
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