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xRaChEt84x Blog

nooo this cant be!!!

im not dead yet(sorry freaky and pieman) but i have school tomorow! i dont wanna go=[ i may have a video game wars(just like E_O_M) but this one,wil have to do with Nintendo Series only! no PS2 or xbox nintendo gamecube,DS,gba,n64 i wont start it till later today so its freakin may,and its supposed to be hot and dry, and its cold,and raining wtf is up with that? also,my phone is broke=( which is very bad well im off to bed goodnight all xRaChEt84x

finally,its over=]

its about F'n time my testing is OVER it was pretty easy at first,but the history/science was pretty hard you had to remeber stuff from 6th grade! and im in 8th! and also,i had 3 F's yesterday now i have one i brought one of them up to a C and the other to a D! so i have one more,im in the graduation clear=] umm so yeah post in this blog,or you might simtoniasoulsy combust=[


i found some pretty funny videos that have to do with pokemon,mario, NOT APPRIOTITE FOR KIDS ONLY 13+

oy i hate state testing

ok the stupid state of california is making every student enrolled in school take a SAT 9/CAT 6 testsand THEYRE REALLY BORING AND STUPID. a few of the questions ask like"what catergrory do you think this passage falls under? a poem b story cnovel d picture book or somthing like that. if you put your opioin and they think its wrong, the mark you down GAYY. today we took the English part 1 and heres how my dad wen period 1 8:15-11:01-includes the testing block period 4 11:06-12:06 with freakygamer lunch till 12:06-12:51lunch with friends 12:51-1:51 period 2 1:56-2:55 period 3 gahh it was boring well im off to bedd possibile game pursache in the near future??? more on the next blog

if Freakygamer555...

...gave me a dollar for every stupid thing ive done, id be rich and hed be poor heres a few things i put in one blog 1.well im back at last. i had some issues. i may be gone again for a little while. so dont panic 2. why did they change the name of the reveloution to WII? what does it stand for? 3.STOP SENDING ME UNION INVITES!!!! IF I HAVE TO AS A LAST RESORT, I WILL JOIN THE UNION AND TALK TRASH ABOUT THE PERSON WHO INVITED ME!!! STOP IT ALREADY 4. my new tag well thats it from  . stay tuned for more information!