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I'm back...O_o

Well I'm back everyone o_O

Been working and other stuff. I went and bought some games for my 360 and ps3 last night.

  1. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
  2. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
  3. Turok for 360

Other stuff like oh I don't know...Kayla's mom kicked her out of the house and told her she can't come home until she breaks up with me.... :roll: So somehow I'm a satan worshiper or something she said...:| Shes staying here, but shes gotta sleep in my brothers old room. >_>

Some bands I'm listening to.

  1. Metallica of course
  2. throwdown
  3. Children of bodom
  4. sepultura
  5. white zombie
  6. Corrosion Of Conformity.

I found this on msn news :|

If you regularly play the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, you'd better not hope to have sex anytime soon, or at least not at "normal" levels, says Greenpeace. And guys should be especially wary.

The environmental group today released a statement about the consoles' chemical composition, saying that certain chemicals used when manufacturing the PS3 and Xbox 360 can "interfere" with proper sexual development in mammals, especially human males.

Before you start worrying about erectile dysfunction or duplicate gonads growing from an armpit, it's important to understand that the sexually interfering chemicals are just several in a long list of chemicals that Greenpeace has called-out for being health hazards to gamers.
A report was recently published that outlined the chemical composition of the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. In response to the report, Greenpeace said: "Components of the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation3 also contained high levels of phthalates, one of which -- DEHP -- is known to interfere with sexual development in mammals: including humans and, especially, males."

However, Greenpeace also singled-out the next-gen consoles for having “high levels of bromine ... [to which] long-term exposure can lead to impaired learning and memory functions."

Greenpeace also noted the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii contained polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which contains both phthalates and brominated flame retardants.

To their credit, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have already all committed to removing PVC from their consoles and/or handheld devices. lol

Well thanks for reading my blog.

Well I got my PS3.

Yep I bought my 40gb PS3 today. I also bought GTA4 for it. I already have gta4 for xbox 360 but kayla and all my friends have it on PS3. So I'm gonna beat the game on 360, and play online on PS3 :P

And I named my PSN Manly__Beast :D

And thanks for everyone's help on my last blog :)

I think I have a problem......

See I have this friend that indeed is a girl :o Her name is Christine. Well anyways we hang out alot. We lay in the bed and watch tv and play my xbox 360 alot. She is a fine looking girl but I believe we are just friends. My brother said we get to close sometimes and that sooner or later something will happen. I wonder if my girlfriend would be mad if she knew about this.... I know if she had a guy friend and did the samething I would be mad...But thats because guys are different, I know the guy would try something. Thats fair right?

There's nothing wrong with cuddling in bed while watching some movies is there? :? I've never kissed her in any wrong way. I've kissed her on the cheek, like a friend kiss. This is just bothering me because my brother and some of my friends said its a bad idea having a good looking girl as a friend while having a girlfriend. I've been friends with her over a month now and she is a awsome girl, as a friend though. I love my girlfriend and I'm not gonna cheat on her. So nothing to worry about right? :|

Well nevermind -_-

Well I'm not getting my ps3 this week :( Some bills creeped up on me that I had no idea about :x I'm gonna get it with my next check though, so for the people I was gonna add just wait...:)

So I'm gonna get GTA4 on xbox 360 because I can't wait any longer :P I'm gonna buy it again for PS3 because that's what all my friends have it on..... I still have a 360 and psp to hold me off ;) Speaking of psp I got into a fight with my older brother over it because I let him play god of war on it, and I woke up in the morning for work, and I found my psp on the damn floor :x

Out of all my games I still play my baseball game the most, I just love baseball. I'm on the last level of R6V 2 and should beat that today or tomorrow if I play it.

It's may! 31 days until my Birthday :o

Thanks for reading ;)

Need ur help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting a PS3 tomorrow or Wednesday, and need to come up with a good gamertag. You guys'gals have any good ideas for a name? :P

Something badass or funny. :D

Me and my gf were talking about user names that match in a way.... But ugh I don't wanna :|


So I've haven't been coming online much because I've been working over time because someone just had to take vacation:x

So I bought two new games! Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories :)
I also got god of war for the psp from gamefly . woo hoo :p (love it so far!) I also got dark sector in as well.

I ain't gotto go to work for 3 days, so I should have some time to waste :P

I Bought be some new shoes yesterday, And new jeans)


So I was in my backyard with my girl and and I smack her on the ass joking around and she damn back handed me in the nuts. I fell straight to my knees and stayed like that for like 10 mins. I f-inghate when women do that crap. She said She didn't mean to she just didn't expect it. Damn lucky I didn't beat the crap out of her. :P She's lucky I don't hit women -_-

I'm gonna post more in all of ur blogs I promise!

Just so funny.

I just can't stop laughing from listening to this...

In other Major news, I bought crisis core today! :o

I also bruised my forehead because I was messing with my phone, throwing it up in the air and catching it, and I missed and it smacked me right in the forehead :cry: I KNOW THE PAIN :P

Hmm...What do talk about now...... oh RE4 sucks balls on PC... Do not buy it :|

Well you are done reading my horrible blog ;)

just in case......

I might be getting banned IF and ONLY if you wanna keep in touch with me here is my msn:

I just have a feeling I'm gonna get banned real soon.....:?

another week

So Am bored and thought I would post a blog again. :)

So Today I bought Final Fantasy tactics war of the Lion, and I Also have pre ordered GTA4 ;)

This past week was just the most boring week I have had in awhile :(

I didn't go out much with any friends or my gf, because after work I didn't feel like really doing anything. Sometimes I wish I could be like most guys my age and party all the time :P But my parents don't just hand me over money. They do for my brothers who are both older then me, but NO jobs and are just lazy..... I pisses me off, when I wake up in the morning and tired and see both of my brothers asleep with not a worry in the world. I'm like don't you have any pride guys?

Well I'm done talking about my boring life now :P

Thanks for reading my blog and have a good one :)

Enjoy :D

Five Things You Might Not Know About Me.

Well that beeeeeeeeeeep Sponge tagged me :P

Here we go

1. I'm 6"6

2. My favorite game of all time is oblivion.

3. I have been in jail 2 times before for fighting the last two years. But haven't been into any trouble in about an year and ahalf

4. My birthday is may 31st (will be19

5. I have two cats and one Dog :o

Okay their! HAPPY! :cry:

I tag teh_619.... Everyone else seems tagged already:?

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