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xSkrammasx Blog

Well about time I made an attempt to come back to GS

I don't suspect anyone to make a comment due to people probably just forgetting about me-__-

But closer people might say hello. All I'm saying is I'm going to try and be more active with the 8th Generation in Gaming Union(pwease join :D) and just try and be more on top of news.

Anyone else ever feel that out of a gaming mood? Just really nothing out is appealing to you. I'm just getting tired of all the online shooters really. How do people still manage to only be playing CoD4 and Halo 3 on my friends list nonstop >_>

That's why I took a look at Downloads, like XBLA and Virtual Console. Trying to keep some variety and not pay so much.

And it's been great in my opinion. Also, Castle Crashers is ****ing great. Now just need someone with good connection for hosting >_

I'm going to see VGL performed, and I bet it's going to be a spectacle.

Well VGL stands for Video Games Live, a performance by a very talented orchestra. They are sure to play some classics like Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc.

It is sure to be a great event for those who respect video games as an art form. Which most on GS would, this is sure to be a great event, and I already know I will enjoy it. This will already be a great masterpiece of work.

Now to just wait until tomorrow.

I got a LAN adapter, I wonder why? Also I have a new question for you GS users.

Ok first just got my wii a few weeks ago, as most of you should know, i hope. My Wifi is horrible for some odd reason in the world, so instead got a LAN adapter just because it was easier. Now I also like some VC recommendations to buy also, already planning to get Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Super Mario Brothers 3, Kirby's Adventure, and whatever else I might want to get. I just like some more reccomendations for some games I have not played.

Also as I promised I have a question for everybody. Overall what system did you probably have the most games on? For me actually say GBA i think, but i sold many too, but overall bought most on GBA.

Have you ever touched the CD-I Legend of Zelda games?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the 3 games Phillips created for there console. This was due, if I'm right, to a contract about Phillips and Nintendo making there own console. This was later dropped, but Phillips still owned rights the faces of Link, Zelda, and such.

The 3 games were(and correct me if I get the names wrong):

Link: Faces of Evil

Zelda: Wand of Gamelon

Zelda's Adventure

These games though by most to be the worst in the series, and with your opinion if you've played it, do you agree?

Have a few new Wii games to play

Ok doesn't start out like the title, but just wanted to tell everybody, I will always miss little Max, my dog who recently had to leave this world. I will have monents like most were I miss her, but I think she is better off now. No more pain for her to suffer, just light air and whatever else is in doggy heaven.

Ok as the title says, had a few new stuff to play, including:

Boom Blox by Rent(Very good 3rd Party Game, Very Underated)

SSBB sort of(Only had little chance to play it before, will get it at least by tommorrow if mailing is right)

Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros Treasure(played a small amount, pretty good, might rent it if only BlockBuster had it:cry: )

Also Boom Blox is a pretty good game, i'm surprised it didn't sell as much as it should of. In about 6 hours of play I have 66% done, mostly by going through story, and me wasting lots of time getting Gold medals on everything mostly by luck. I haven't tried out creation mode yet though, which seems like the biggest thing. Mostly because everything you get automaticaly says "Can be used for Creation Mode now". Not very creative though, and don't have much patience to put things just right.

Everyone had a happy 4th of July I hope, not really doing anything until the weekend, sure to toss a few sparklers out and whatever else we bought. Have a happy weekend *off to play more Boom Blox*

I just lost a very good friend, my poor dog

This is her story. A cute little dog named Max, very small, but that doesn't make her any less playful. She was one of the greatest dogs to ever walk the Earth, and let alone we got to take care of her. Except one horrible night, outside to do her business, those d** dogs across the street provoked her. She ran over, me chasing, but a car at the worst time came by. At least they had the nature to stop and help. She was immedietly rushed to an emergency care facility. She later for her own good, was put down so she couldn't suffer anymore. Some of the worst hours of my life. I still feel pain inside. I need some time to get used to the feeling to move on.

I might be on less, just need some time to grieve. She was a great dog, and I just hope I can move on.

Just Beat Super Mario Galaxy and my Halo 3 disc is ruined

Wow only had Super Mario Galaxy a few days, and I have already gotten 120 Stars with Mario. And thats right i said "with MARIO". Meaning Mario isn't the only playable character. Most would already know this but I did not, mostly due to only getting the Wii on Thursday. Now I'm playing through with LUIGI! I love to say Luigi, and carry out the word out, like Luiiiiiiiiigi. I am getting a little tired of the game since to play throough the whole thing again and get all 120 again, seems like such a task now. I will play now and again yes, but not go on a 5 hour playing spree like I managed to do at the beginning. I think once i beat it with Luigi I get another secret, but no one spoil it for me if you know. I love Galaxy and now it makes me want to go back and finish Sunshine. I have finished Mario 64 enough, along with the clone on DS.

Games to get for my new Nintendo Wii:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Mario Kart Wii

Like some more Recommendations

Also sadly I must buy a new Halo 3 I think, stupid 360. I was switching my hard drive, turned on the power, turned it over. But I forgot too late, and the 360 scratched the disc, just a circle around. I might buy another disc or maybe a cleaning kit of it could help. I'm not too mad since I barely play my copy of Halo 3. But that was $50 bucks ruined i think. And the game is still probably 50 or 60. Just very annoyed. I'm wondering if i can get a replacement also somehow, i don't have a reciept. Any help with that would be greatly needed.

Birthday Gift

What do you suspect, it could be anything. But actually it's the.............

Wii lovers can settle for a rain check

Hooray! For it now I have Wii Sports, Wii Play, Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and Super Paper Mario. What i'll get in time is SSBB and Mario Kart. If you have any other suggestions for what to get, I like to know. Now all I need for this gen is the PS3, Wii and 360 I have. PS3 i don't. I wasn't suspecting to get a Wii at all, just seems to pricey now. But I did and I'm very happy for it.

8th Gen in Gaming Union

Please join it, we need members to start the union. It could really help us out. Here is a link. Join the union, or if you can't at least help us in the forums. All the help is greatly needed.
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