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xSkrammasx Blog

Schools Out! *cue Alice Cooper song*

Yes schools out for summer!*dundundundun*

Whatever, its out and i'm free, no homework, projects, or sleep, i'm ok without it, really i am.

I'm a little mad because i didn't get straihgt A's, not big deal, just would have looked good as final grades. I only got a B+ in English, everything else A.

I did get the highest grade on multiple choice, 98 right out of 100. Pretty good.

Ahh summer, i will try and get out more, not be a complete shutin. I thinking of getting more games for my 360, i just don't know what yet. Any ideas, my take are shooters, but i'm ok with most anything besides RTS's. Just give me some suggestions, and i'll think what to spend me good monies on.

One more day!

I have one more day of school! I finished some finals today, probably the hardest ones, so its not too hard tommorrow.

After school, I will be going to a program for smart students who did well on the ACT. I'm in Middle School so thats mostly why i'm going against my will from parents.

I don't have really in thing to do in summer, rural kind of neighborhood, not to say I'm southern, I just don't live in a sub division with lots of people.

I'm also hoping to get some more 360 games this summer, just some better ones.

Ahh thats all for now, wish me luck on the finals!

One more week of school!

Actually 4 days due to a day off, but still after that, summer.

I still have Finals to worry about though. I must study sometime, i'm pretty sure most of my finals are multiple choice though.

I remember last years final for English was just all Open Response Questions, which I never finished before time ran out. I hoping I can convince my teachers to make it not hurt our grade if we already have an A. I just wish in the first place we wouldn't have to take a final if we had A's, but they say its manditory. My worst subject like most is English. I'm just not the writing type, creating stories and such.

Good Luck to all those who still have school, and I kinda hate those who are already out.

Almost Level 11, and any easy Emblems that I could get?

Almost level 11, just 4 more percent, so close.

I also wonder if there is any emblems that I don't have that are pretty easy to get? I'm having a competetion with a friend to see who can get more emblems, and we are tied so I'm hoping to rocket foward with more;). I know about uploading a video but I must figure out how first:shock:. So anything would help now, also 7 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT! I still have finals but they aren't that bad, I hope:P. Once school is out I don't know exactly what i'll be doing, probably majority=Video games:P

Uhh...Emblem gone?

Wheres my other Emblem!?!

I lost some Emblem, I just can't remember what it is.

If anyone knows tell me! I hope it won't be gone forever.

School is almost over!

Well about 10-12 days of school left. Still a little freaked on what are finals will be like. I hate English, I plan on a job in Mathematics, something electronic, probably computers. Ahhh...then I have Summer. I will play some games I wanted to play more, and head out more and go places. Hoping I can see some family in Washington.


I saw the Dentist today and I have pearly whites:D! I have some tartar buildup but thats not bad. I must floss more often or I'll have some cavities and even GINGIVITIS! (not really) Funny thing is I never had a cavity before, I am lucky they say:D. I don't think I'll ever get braces either like so many others in my school. Everywhere people have braces!

Also I was clothes shopping and I found this shirt with the Old Donkey Kong stage on it, I bought it! Its not just funny but comfortable. I might upload a image of it, its just a true way to show off mario's roots.

Goldrush Gameplay and New Medic weapons Video

I know this is my third blog post in one day, but I just looked around and got all this stuff done and decided to share it with you people.

This video shows all the new medic weapons at work, and some gameplay of Goldrush.

Everyone says this is a Dustbowl clone, but I don't care, Dustbowl is my favorite map. Another one like that with a new gameplay mode is great. I know Gold Rush is coming to 360, but I'm hoping the new weapons come as well, and I hope its free. I am a TF2 addict, and I can't get over it. Just release everything already!

Gears of War 2

Ok, I finished Gears of War's story mode before, but I recently finished it again, and I payed attention to the story parts more than I usually do. It seems I still barely understand it. Bomb on the Locust train, why is it heading for a broken bridge anyway:?? I also read some things about Gears 2, saying its mostly underground. I don't like that mostly because that means their is probably not going to be a Hammer of Dawn, meaning more beserkers running around. I know that you will be above ground some times, but majority under. I wonder if General RAAM was just a general and not the King of Locust, and if the woman narrating at the end of Gears was the Queen. I also want to face the Brumak and that weird creature I saw at the end of Gears for Gears 2. I also want to face a harder Corsper, rather than killing one in less than a minute.

I know Gears 2 story will be mostly taking the fight to the Locust and something about Dom's wife. Also there will be two new main characters, I can't remember the names. One is Dizzy and he is seems as though he is from down under, thats all I remember. Baird and Cole will still be main characters, but they won't always be with you, but the other 2 will, I think. I like that more since you won't always be seperate and only have Dom, again, I think. Maybe once, maybe not. They might actually give us 4 player action over Live then. I also know they will have new weapons, like a pistol, some poison grenade, another gun, and a gun called the Hammer Burst, maybe something relating to the Hammer of Dawn:shock:. I got all this information from a issue of Game Informer. I think this game will be the next 10, unless someone else claims that MGS4 has it or something. All I know is that the game looks great in graphics, story, but I don't know if they changed gameplay at all. This game just has me hyped up.

New Medic Achievements, kinda late, I know

New Medic Achievements can be found here:

These achievements are all for being the Medic. You will probably never get 12, let alone 36. If you get 12, you acquire a new weapon for the Medic, then 24, and then 36. These achievements are very, very hard. I am not sure if they are coming to 360 or not, I hope since I want the new weapons. Achievements will soon come later for everyone else, not sure when though. I want the Demoman or Engineer next. The Engineer is already so powerful, what next can they do. I think the Spy will also be more overpowered than before with his new weapons, whatever they may be. Anyone who knows me, I'm a big TF2 addict, i had the game since Janruary, and I already have 30 hours just with the Engineer my lowest though being 2 hours with Medic, just for achievement. These new weapons though may encourage me to lay more although. And no one brag, and act nerdish, and say I have 250 hours, and I got it just a month ago.

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