@cappy: well said. i sometimes forget people have something decent to say. i followed the trend with my one word review calling it trash. i summed it up quickly as most people are afraid to read anything over 3 sentences these days. it's disappointing to say the least but really i wasn't expecting much. for the amount of dev time and hype around this product it's not very good is all im saying. playing this game is literally the definition of insanity for me. i feel for how long this game was in development and the many times it was delayed, it should have been better. plus coming from Canada this game is almost $70. not really worth it in my opinion, especially when there's nothing about this game that's a true multiplayer experience, a step backwards in the gaming industry if you ask me. the idea is great, the execution is terrible.
The only people I know that didn't enjoy this game are the ones that spent the last 4 days not moving a muscle and powering to max level, skipping all cut scenes and just going balls to the wall. Everyone else I talk to loves this game, as do I. Definitely worth the $55 and most likely worth picking up the seasons pass if they pump out content. This game sets the bar for seamless COOP and group mechanics.
Well done Ubisoft, you're IP has a definite place here.
xSlugox's comments