There still isn't a single console only game out there that would steer me in any direction but if I was forced to make a choice...
PS4 - $399 - changeable hdd/sdd - ps plus not required for netflix - sleek sexy design - new fast modern UI design
Xbox - $499 - no changeable hdd/sdd - xlive gold required for netflix - looks like a paper weight - UI designed around a failed PC OS
Just some of the obvious reasons why I would lean more towards PS4 on this one and that's not even mentioning the 720p re-scaling of a lot of these "next gen" games in order to obtain the same performance as a PS4, or the numerous Xbox consoles shipped with DOA BluRay drives.
@Hurvl he did say 30fps steady, so who knows. i agree though 30fps... next gen? wonder what kinda performance we're looking at for 360 and ps3 then, ouch. also the native res might be 720p? tell me when next gen gets here jeeez. i'll be playing watch dogs as well as the division on pc for sure.
@rmartinezdl being able to play one of the most anticipated games of 2013 4 days ahead of everyone is a pretty big advantage. That's a lot of time to familiarize yourself with the map and feel of the game, not to mention unlocks. If you don't think so then I suggest to step your game up.
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