KK, so ive decided...the fact that Cole and Phoebe DONT end up together and Cole ends up spending the rest of eternity trapped in a cosmic vortex between life and death where he has to live without love and without Phoebe, his one TRUE love....is just really really depressing.
i dont know why i got so emotionally attached to him, or more of the idea of Phoebe and Cole - two of the only people in the show who just truly shouldn't have fallen in love with each other but did - being together and happy, which they were, just seemed so perfect. the plot of those two characters falling the way they did for each other was like cinderella or something for me...it just kind of gave me hope that when you find true love...and i mean TRUE TRUE love....you really can hold on to it and have it. BUT when Phoebe decided to vanquish Cole, the first time i can understand...but not taking him back and then vanquishing him again...was just unneccessary.
if you ask me...phoebe and cole really should have ended up together at the end of the series SOMEHOW because their relationship really was true love...and the idea of cole, being a demon but making an honest effort to change, ending up where he did makes life seem so unfair. you would think that the fact that he, unlike every other demon, really tried to be good but was possessed and then just went insane would count for something...but it didn't.
i think im just being crazy and looking for a logical reason why, in this case:
1. true love didn't conquer all
2. at the end of the day, good intentions don't mean a thing and your past can count for more then anyone is really willing to say.
im not even old enough to drive yet...and the fact that this kind of stuff is coming up in my life and racking my brain ALREADY isnt a good sign. it honestly doesn't give someone that much to believe in.
if anyone thinks i really am crazy...please, dont be afraid to tell me cause my family has been telling me that A LOT lately when it comes to this subject and im really starting to wonder if theyre onto something. :)
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