[QUOTE="SAmariochamp"][QUOTE="xTRIGGER092x"]im battling atm but then come online and ill trade it to you, as long as i get it back in about 20 to 30 mins time. ill tell you what to use on each pokemon. you should take a fire pokemon with you for bronzong though. and a few other high ones in ase things go wrong. but yeah you should be ok. maybe a thunder one for milotic. but yeah listen to my advice as you through it and itll be easyAnyone interested in letting a noob rent a pokemon? As in, trade and then trade back? I am getting screwed over multiple times at the Elite 4, and I need some help with it. So if someone could trade a high-level(lvl. 80-100 preferred) pokemon for a lvl. 35 Sneasel, and then once I beat them, trade back. If someone could do that, that would be great!
Wow, thanks! Unfortunately, I'm not the best with my own pokemon, here's mine:
Lvl.60 Empoleon
Lvl. 47 Machoke
Lvl. 48 Dialga
Lvl. 35 Sneasel
Lvl. 44 Floatzel
Lvl. 20 Wingull
As you can see, I don't have the best pokemans yet. Once I get the national pokedex though, my Swampert will be owning once again.
BTW, SA, I added you.
Ok, I'm at the Global Trading Center right now.
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