@dmblum1799 @xXxIRyanxXx I'm not a complete idiot, and I'm not a kid, so your saying Microsoft sucks because Microsoft has more money than Sony, Microsoft isn't losing a bunch of money like Sony, and your mad about the Kinect, as I previously stated Sony wanted to do the same thing. The Eye isn't as good as Kinect which is why its not included with the PS4, which is a smart business move, but since you are a business genius can you please explain to me how PS4 + eye in the same box = 500 but PS4 + eye in seperate boxes = 460 I would love to know.
You just got wrecked, suck a hard one and have a nice day. Read up on what you are about to purchase and don't insult my intelligence when you are wrong.
xXxIRyanxXx's comments