@kiramasaki @roman4545 @Scarab83 I didnt see any math in your comment, just a rant about how Gearbox sucks because they made an awesome season pass, and now fans want more.
@Enundr @CincoToes @auron11022 When proffessional athletes get death threats they don't insult the people that made them famous like this guy did. Sure its wrong, but what this guy did is also wrong.
Thats what you get when you develop a terrible game designed for whiny and immature ten year olds, all of the mature gamers have moved on to other games because you release the same garbage every year for $60 plus $60 for all the DLC, and COD hasnt been balanced since 4.
@immortaltech6 Do you know how much power the cloud computing will add to the X1 because I dont, and neither do you, and neither does Sony so for all we know the X1 could be just as powerful as the PS4, and the X1 can run games at 1080p 60fps so I dont know what more you want.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @xXxIRyanxXx Lol Sony dropped the eye from the PS4, which dropped the price $100 and yet somehow the eye alone only costs $60 that cant be, Sony trying to take some extra money from you nooooooo, they love you so much and they only want whats best for you, dont choke on your biscuit.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @ALCHEMISTx24x7 @SiLenTWarrior29 Scroll down to see the same comment posted multiple times, how dare someone make fun of some one not bash the X1 with a reused comment.
xXxIRyanxXx's comments