@edgewalker16 Multiplayer was fun, but the change in staff does nothing, the art director for Bio 1 will finish Infinite, which shouldn't bother anyone because hes experienced with the franchise and helped launch it. And they got two main guys from Epic who made Gears of War, which is one of the biggest franchises of this console generation. Plus the game is almost finished anyway since it takes a few months for certification stuff, the game looks great and I cant wait till February.
@megagood2345 The worst part is, is that the game was good up until the very end, and it just kills the whole experience of the game, and for a lot of people they will not replay the game because of it. And because this dlc has no effect on the endings that is why people are saying whats the point of it.
@chilly-chill Especially since they are not new guns, because they are all taken from the mp and put in the singleplayer. Im curious to know why using them is free in multiplayer but 2 dollars to use in singleplayer.
Wow 12 dollars to use guns in single player that I got for free in multiplayer, and a mission that was cut from the original game, I could see them justifying this if the dlc affected the ending, but since it doesnt, why would anyone buy this.
@Jayson533 and thekugman thank you, glad to see people appreciate people facts, and I hope this helps people not get blindsided by the memory needed to play Halo 4.
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