this looks incredibly boring. you swapped out zombies for aliens. good job infinity ward. great innovation. literally all i see in the gameplay clips here is the guy holding fire down while aliens run at him.
cant help but think 4 is way too extreme. at the lowest i would rate the game a 6. yeah the combat isnt the best but you have plenty of ways to tackle enemies so it isn't THAT tedious, and the story is leaps and bounds better than most games of today.
lmao @ call of duty pc requirements. even battlefield 4 doesnt demand that much and it looks 100x better. i knew skipping another cod wouldnt be a bad idea. the devs just cant be bothered to optimize their "new engine" (scoff) so they'r forcing up the requirements to a rediculous level.
@Rheinmetal why would you not be a fan of steam? unless you dont game on pc at all theres no reason not to be. steam is the best thing that ever happened to pc gaming
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