thanks for the info, i just bought it. ive been wanting to play the game, but with all the badd reviews and it being like 60 bucks new still, i never ended up getting it. but at a price like that, even if it isnt that good, i couldnt let it pass.. especially since i actually enjoyed the demo. guess we'll see how it turns out once i get it.
do me a favor.. and ADD ME. ive only had my ps3 for a few days now..but already im irritated at the fact that when i play CoD4 or Resistance.. no one has a mic. so plz, lv your PSN ID or send me a request (ID in sig) so we can actually play the game the way its meant to be!
P.S. im not a noob at CoD, i have it for the 360, and im good at the game, so no worries there haha. but resistance.. is a wholeee nother story lol. hopefully someone can give me some pointers on the game :P
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