Hypocritical Microsoft is beating their chest over sales after lying to everyone? Even though they lost worldwide and Microsoft had firesales AGAIN last month? Why am I not surprised?
Xbone S is selling because Xbox fanboys are buying their janky console all over again to get HDR and 4K Blue Rays and because Xbone was so hideous before. PS4 owners don't need to buy their console all over again to get HDR.
Why announce this? Isn't it expected that all games should have HDR on Xbone S?
Every PS4 has HDR so why can't Microsoft do the same?
How pathetic would it be if games didn't support HDR on Xbone S after Microsoft tricked morons into buy the Xbone S? Sony expects current PS4 owners to upgrade to a PS4 Pro. That is why it launches this year. But Microsoft expects current Xbone owners to buy another Xbone for HDR and 4K Bluray.
Microsoft already looks f*cking pathetic with all of their lies and 180s ever since their sales tanked and all they've done is rip off competition. Phil told everyone he doesn't goal the team on PS4 sales but we all know that is a load of hot streamy bullsh*t.
They never lost their arrogance and they haven't learned humility yet. They put exclusives on PC because they don't really care about consoles including Xbox. All they care about is keeping gamers chained to Windows with Direct X. Microsoft hurts consoles. Why should people care about Xbox when Microsoft doesn't even really care about Xbox? Why not quite making Xbone and go to PC if you're going to lie about exclusives? They reversed greedy policies on cross platform play because they're losing. I feel sorry for ignorant people and idiots buying Xbones.
I guess Phil knows everyone is buying the game on PS4 and he has to find ways to keep Xbone in the news.
Oculus and Vive have the same motion sickness problems. It's no different from PSVR. It's really just a problem for you individually or the game.
The resolution of PSVR is almost the same as Oculus and Vive. Everyone else seems to say PSVR image quality is on par or better than Oculus and Vive. The difference in image quality between PSVR and Vive has less to do with resolution and more to do with the graphics of the game and specs of the PS4. If you used PSVR on the PS4 Pro the graphics will get better.
So there really is no point in paying more for an Oculus or Vive unless you're a PC gamer.
Seems like a dishonest review just shilling for Oculus and Vive. Begging people not to buy a PSVR.
@korpdawg: This had nothing to do with Bethesda past statement. Mods could've been on the PS4 a long time ago if Bethesda would have agreed to Sony's restriction.
This was obviously Bethesda who was blocking mods. Go read Bethesda's statement when they said mods were cancelled. Sony was never blocking mods.
Bethesda wanted mods to have freedom but Sony didn't wanted to give mods complete freedom because it would open up the system to hackers. Looks like Bethesda gave in. That is why mods will only use in game textures.
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