@aigis: I hope this means we can expect a fourth account. Holy shit, this is epic.
xdude85's forum posts
The Battlefront 2 trailer thread is hands down the thread of the year.
Quicksilver got banned, made another account to bitch some more, got banned again, and then made another account to bitch even more.
@xdude85: I never said they were inferior simply stating the over abundance of them in current action games. Regardless its hillarious you said i need a safe space while i was banned from further discussion so cuck pussies like you can surround yourself in an echo chamber.
You're the one that's scared of girls, but please do continue to spout your nonsense.
Plus, your previous posts clearly state that you think women are inferior to men when it comes to action/adventure roles because them being in that role isn't realistic even though we're dealing with works of fiction. You can deflect all you want, but it's all right here in this thread.
Also, holy shit, you actually got banned again and made a third account. Goddamn, you are desperate.
@charizard1605: It won't do you much good since most of them are being publicly retired. I don't understand how you feel 50% of action roles should be filled by a female especially when about 90% of your audience is men. Regardless the fact I got banned for having a different opinion while having a reasonable discusission is all I need to be done with this place. Enjoy your circle jerk.
Your opinion that women are inferior and shouldn't be placed in action roles that take place in science-fiction worlds is laughable and childish.
Your reason that because men are more inclined to action/adventure works more than women, and therefore should have no part in them makes no sense either, since women are just as capable of enjoying action/adventure works just as much as men. Since that is the case, what's wrong with having characters women can relate and identify with like Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Trinity, Furiosa, Agent Scully, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wonder Woman, and Xena?
Normally I'd come to the conclusion that you're a desperate, terrible troll, but the fact that you went out of your to make a second account pretty much solidifies the fact that you're instead a sad, strange little man who needs a safe space whenever a fictitious female is empowered instead of being submissive.
@Desmonic: I got a good one too. For those who have seen the movie 'Snatch,' this is gold.
@jg4xchamp: I know, the Battlefront 2 thread is so fucking epic that I saved it to my favorites.
@ghosts4ever: So, you have nothing against women, yet you don't want them as playable characters in video games.
That's called a contradiction, and I can't express it more bluntly than that. You're really beyond help if you're living by that kind of logic.
Quicksilver and Ghosts4ever are the most sheltered people I've ever seen.
They must still believe in cooties, and have a "No Girls Allowed" sign taped to the door of their room.
Guys like them are the reason why gamers are still stereotyped as being sexist, intolerable losers.
These chain quotes and charts make my head hurt.
You guys should try playing video games, I hear it's a great way to relax.
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