I definitely don't agree but I believe that Microsoft and Sony are headed in different directions. Sony is gearing more towards gaming and Microsoft is gearing more towards entertainment. Sony wants to be the go to system for games and Microsoft wants to be the centre of your living room experience.
xeon71's forum posts
Nice! How'd you get it free?
Just saw this article on Kotaku. Looks like the HDMI problem is a very easy fix. Just a piece of metal getting in the way of the HDMI cord and as a result damaging HDMI cords. Read for yourself.
@ChiefFreeman: Yeah, Kameo wasn't a bit hit but I still really enjoyed that game. I hope Knack turns out good. I already have the game but I am keeping it in the plastic until I see some reviews. I don't really follow reviews too closely but if for some reason it gets a 3/10 or something then I want to be able to return it.
Hmmm, never saw something like that before. I would take out the disc and then hold the power/reset button on your PS3 until it beeps twice. Then start it up and try it again.
Honestly I would pick Killzone. Killzone will be a fantastic game all around I think. It's a first party game so the graphics will be very good, and it will have a much better single player than Battlefield. I also think Killzone will have a really good online multiplayer. So if you want a great single player game with a good multiplayer get Killzone. If you want a game for mainly multiplayer then get Battlefield. Hope that helps.
Resistance Fall of Man. I just remember how awesome that split-screen co-op was. I was so disappointed when they didn't have a co-op mode in Resistance 2.
I have experience as I waited in line for the PS3 when it came out. My buddies and I were all buying one and we waited in line at our local EB Games when they closed at 7pm. We were the first ones in line and they only let in so many people at a time. We were in and out in no time. But like I said, we were the first ones in line. If you show up at Midnight, you will likely be waiting for a bit as I assume there will be a lineup. You'd want to be there earlier for sure. My advice is call Walmart or wherever you are going around 7 or 8pm and ask if anyone is outside in line already.
@carloscanalesv: I think I need to give Castlevania another try. I played it for a bit but I got bored of it early on and haven't touched it since.
Personally, I have always been a console gamer. I have seriously considered PC gaming this gen but decided to get a PS4. I like just buying a system and using remotes that are designed for the system. I like the first party games that Sony delivers. I'm not knocking PC, I know there are great games on PC, some of which are clearly better on PC than consoles but for me I just prefer the console feel.
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