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Edited By xeoneex66

@jbhnc11 I watched a guy do a massive review of it, at least 2 full hours of commentary and gameplay footage, as well as indepth explanations as to why the game sucked. I don't NEED to play it, nor do I want to run out buy a fucking ps3 JUST to try this out for the sake of trying it out. After 10, with the exception of ,11 12 and 14, I have yet to see Square Anus pull of anything HALF as good as ff3, aka ff6 on SNES, ff7, or ff9. Don't get me wrong 12 wasn't nearly as good as the 4 I just mentioned and 11/14 are both MMO's and play differently but both have good stories. Ironically I'm more about stories when it comes to FF games and lately they have bombed as story tellers. It's only lately with 14 that I've actually felt rejuvenated with the series, but then they go and drop a shit bomb for 15... what the **** were they thinking on THAT one... It looks god aweful, a real life take on a final fantasy game? Going back a moment, most FF games did have a good blend of technology vs magic but done rather tastefully. When I saw the trailer for 15 I wanted to vomit at how shitty it looked. While I'm not critiquing the graphics, just everythign about it I saw was bleh. Kinda like how i felt for 10.

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I haven't sat down to read this, but I can clearly say, aside from FF 14 which to me is one of the best Square Anus games they have come up with since merging. However thats not entirely saying too much since they have been making turds for a long time now. I can't understand why they can't go back to their original roots. Those games were very challenging, very engaging beautiful stories, and it was 8/16bit graphics. Seems the gaming industry as a whole is very blah due to the hardness games lack. Of course I can't comment if the game is hard or whatnot, but after seeing reviews of the first FF 13, I can honestly say they have lost pretty much everything that made them great when creating a Final Fantasy game. The lack of a story, and to my knowledge 13 is clouded in so much mystery that I can't even fathom sitting through the cutscenes, let alone play the actual hallway I mean game.

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@monkor @jhonMalcovich The simple fact they are developing for tablets is enough. I'm so sick of games for tablets and smart phones. Especially since Nintendo needs to focus solely on handhelds. The amount of iphone games that are absolute GARBAGE numbers too high to even want to count.

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Edited By xeoneex66

@Gopstop2222 Actually I did. but unfortunatly one OK game doesn't redeem this pissant company in my eyes. They will forever be garbage and I will not touch any products they foul with their stench.

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Edited By xeoneex66

@Ailurusf I can assure you I'm proud to be a gamer, just becuase some people aren't as literate... or as bright, as the rest of us doesn't mean being a gamer is a bad thing.

As for the GTA5 review, no game should get a 10. It's not possible. 9 out of 10 is an extremely good score. Just goes to show how some people are never satisfied...

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Peh RE has been garbage, and for that matter Crapcom as well, for a long time now. I haven't touched a Crapcom game since mega man 10 on XBLA. Then they canned Mega Man entirely and I absolutely despise this crap company. And given their RE series getting shit every iteration, huh come to think of it SquareAnus has the same problem fancy that, I doubt their next RE will be any better. Is it me or are the old school Japanese companies failing and failing hard? Nintendon'ts Pii-Eww certainly doesn't raise any hopes of redemption anytime soon. Western gaming finally dominated huh who'da thunk it.

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@Jedi4ce28 Well said, personally I'M more concerned with making good quality games, and a great story than working about the those little individual tidbits that dont really make or break a game, just cause stupid discussions that turn into flame wars :/

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Edited By xeoneex66

@zenstrata Hey zenstrata, I'm just really really curious but your avatar pic, is it by chance a colecovision game? It looks REALLY familiar.....

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@sol_invictus55 @xeoneex66 Actually I am correct you are not. If it wasn't for the immature shits buying EA games, EA would have gone out of business like Atari. And when did I say ALL gamers were at fault? I specifically said certain gamers who are contributing to the fall of the current gaming industry.

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This is what is wrong with the gaming industry. Whiney bratty snot nosed children that buy battlefield games, Crap of dooty games, and need for shit games. You not only keep these franchises going, but you keep the standard for games low low low....