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xhellcatx Blog

craziness lately

Ok well yesterday was a massively busy day for me about noon time. Went and got the girls regestered for child care (cost 36 bux x_x) but I had to go there twice cause they didnt tell me i needed the physical form of their soc. sec. card, they just said they needed their numbers when i talked to them on the phone. And in between those visits I almost ran out of gas so I had to run to the gas station which is on the other end of the post (2.05 a gal tho) THEN i went back there and got that taken care of then I had to go to the store and get baby formula and diapers and baby wipes and a tax program that cost like 50 bux....but at least i know imma get that money back from taxes :) I get to do that happy time on the 22nd and State I get to do on the 26th. YAY.  (I actually dont mind doin it as long as I dont really have any deductions or have anything else to worry about and i really honestly dont....we dont own a house or anything super fancy so yea that makes it easy and we didnt give a bunch of money away...at least not enough to really count...just a buck here n there...anyhow Got some things I gotta finish up doing and then I can actually relax for a little bit o_o for once...(but probably not today lol)

Well Im back!

Well after a short stint there without the internet I am back! I had been stealing a wireless connection from my neighbor and she moved and with her went the internet lol. She knew of this lol she was ok with it. Anyhow, I now have a cable connection...roadrunner lite but its actually much faster then its "supposed to be" apparently. Well whatever as long as I got it. I  basically just really needed the net for taxes but I did miss comin here and venting and all that heh. So its my sorta return.

I heard from Mike early thismorning and he is now in Baghdad so he wont be able to call me as much which bites. I like talking to him cause its easier to deal with him being gone when i can still talk to him. Arg. Especially knowing where hes at. All well, all the guys really trust him with a machine gun and feel good about it lol they said "if theres shooting to be done aint no one gonna live that needs to be shot if Marsh has the SAW!"  I miss him.

Feeling a little better

Well I had a fever and bad back pain...ALMOST compareable to being in labor. It quite sucked. Now its deminished to just being there when I walk and move around a lot and laying on a specific side and my fever has also deminished. Mike has called me several times and also emailed me a few times, checking up on me and the kids and showing genuine concern about my health and well being. He is doing fine, just kinda bored, doing "pointless" work. However hell be going soon but he doesnt know where or when....but it seems the way Bush is thinking he might just end up going to Iraq after all. I just wish he would stay in Kuwait cause he can call me for free from his post there, which is very awesome. The more we get to talk, the easier it is to cope with him being physically gone. Same for him too. Being on my own with 2 kids does suck however...having to go to the ER and not being able to get a hold of ANYONE in the support group...(nice..even the 24 hour Chaplain wasnt answering...and in fact HAS NOT ANSWERED ANY TIME that I've called...and I've called a few times). *Sighs* Things just are not going so smooth for me.

Well Mike called me!

well i am happy cause i got a call from Mike sayin he was ok and in kuwait. They stopped in germany and hes happy cause he got some euro cash to add to his money collection. I however am in immense pain today. It feels as if someone is tearing my intestines out....so i am going to go lay down. Just figured ya'll might wanna know whats up.

Hes gone

Well he left lastnight @ 10. SSG Brewer told him he didnt have to go till the 4th and like 10 min. later SGT Hinch calls with the SFC screaming at him in the background "TELL MARSH TO GET HIS F'N A$S TO THE COMPANY NOW!!". Hinch said it nicely tho...but you could hear the sfc clear as a bell. That jerk penciled his name in on the flight. He seems to have a personal vendetta against Mike for some reason....but hes about to get a reason why to not like him so much. o_o Lets just say someone we know who is close to us has very very powerful connections. O_o. Muwahahhahahaha. Hes gonna end up regretting meeting Mike.

EDIT: In a nut shell basically what i am saying is Mike got deployed but he wasnt supposed to go till the 4th, and he got deployed because the person in charge of him basically hates him O_o that betters?

I love E co (SARCASM!!!)

Because they are mean *pouts* Seriously. All the other companies got yesterday off to spend with their families but not E co., oh no! Cant let E co. spend time with their loved ones god forbid! I understand that they had to pack their stuff but they were done at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. He didnt get to come home until 8! Why? Cause they were ordered to help Distro (the truck drivers) do their crap...AGAIN. Its the army, you do your own crap, not make other co.'s help you! It was bs. Total bs. AND Mike got into trouble cause he said "Gee I LOVE helping people who cant do their own crap rather then being with my family" (or something along those lines..) and they made him crawl through the dirt....even though the rest of them agreed (cept the 1st srgt. who isnt even a 1st srgt...hes acting 1st since they dont really have a 1st...er something like that)

What better way to start a blog...

Then by ranting about something! Well Mike (for all those who care or whatever hes my husband) Is getting deployed on Tuesday. We found out yesterday. We dont even have a week to prepare for the seperation and we dont currently know how long hes to be deployed but he was told to prepare to be gone for 18 months. He has to work through the weekend too, so we basically arent getting any time together. It really feels like we are getting screwed. I feel so lost and so upset and angry about not being able to spend time with him that basically all i do is cry when we do have time together cause we have to discuss topics that are infact dreadful to talk about, such as if he dies over there and what is going to happen, our relationship, our kids (2 of them currently under 2), and everything else. It would have been much better to spend time with him alone. It almost makes me ill. Oh, not only are they making it so I dont get to see him over the weekend, but they are also making him work longer hours so when he DOES come home he basically has just enough time to scarf down a quick supper and then go to bed for a 300 formation. *sighs* What am I to do? :(