The moral problem that was posed by Modern Warfare 2 was ambiguous. It is a choice between consequentialist utilitarianism or deontology. Others might claim that morality is purely based on self-interest and what became moral and immoral was due to our evolutionary ability to do things that will allow our race to have a better chance to pass on genes that will help our offspring in the face of their environmental perils. Morality doesn't tell us how we should behave. Society or religion tells us how we should behave. Society just used morality as a rough outline. And, morality itself is purely subjective (for example when comparing consequentialism vs. deontology).
Anyone with basic mathematical and computer knowledge knows that the PS3 is a much more powerful system then the Xbox 360. The reason why multi-platform games look a tad bit worse on the PS3 is because the developers don't want to spend too much time upscaling the rending, texture quality, pixels, shadows, lighting, and overall graphics. PC can't be compared to the PS3, since the PS3's "innards" are four year old technology. Of course the PC version is going to look a lot better. Though, the quality that these screen shots are showing do not do justice. In the end it depends on what kind of TV you are playing on (a TV that can support HD, and if it can whether it can support 720p), how big the TV is, and at what distance you are playing from the TV. Personally, I am playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on a 60" 1080p HDTV at a distance of 15 feet on the PS3. In my position, the game does NOT look as bad as GameSpot is making it look. The poor quality that is being shown here is the fault of lazy developers. If the developers were making this game based on the Xbox 360 specifications, then it will look better on the Xbox. If they had made the game on the PS3's highest specifications, then the Xbox 360 wouldn't handle it (because the game would be 1080p and would look a lot like Uncharted 2), and the game would look much, much better. These screen shots are just giving Xbox fanboys a boost in their egos and is forcing PS3 fanboys to not see with their eyes.
I believe that the story and the ability to convey that story into entertainment and amusement is a big thing for gaming. Those coming up with a new story and universe must be thorough while those making games based off of history must be accurate and not biased. Either way story telling is very difficult, and if it can be pulled off than it can make any game great.
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