Hey guys,
Now, i've been playing halo 3 for a bit, and i stumbled across my "Screen Capture Device" that is designed to capture what is going on on the TV. Now, my question is, I run my 360 through my computer, to my computer monitor (I run 2 monitors), can my video card still capture whats going on my monitor while im playing my 360, or do i have to actually go and hook it up to my tv, and hook my 360 to my tv. If there IS a way to capture what's going on, on my monitor, how?
xid32's forum posts
Hey guys. I've been watching a few YouTube videos when i came across this:
So after watching that, I looked to the side , and the guy has ANOTHER video.
So after watching these, is this guy right about the PS3 or is he full of it? Please no fanboyism comments, bring details and specs, because im thinking of purchasing a PS3.
Simple. Put an ad in the paper that says
"NIN Fan pushed me! I posted about it on a game FAQs but im not satisfied. first one to kill him gets a 100 bucks!"
Now, Im neutral on this topic, but i have read about ghosts. This is what i read, answer the following questions.
Is there a graveyard under the home?
Did someone die in the home?
Didshe everuse a oujia board?
Didshe ever go into another haunted house? (Some ghosts are known to follow people where-ever they go)
Did she steal that other dude's god damn chicken? :evil:
Hey guys, I just made a video, and can you guys give me advice on it? If you dont like rap or hip hop DO NOT watch it
If you want to know the song, its 2 step by UNK.
Hey! Well, ive been making videos for about a year now, and you can go look on my profile,
my latest video is http://www.gamespot.com/users/xid32/video_player?id=JnQwlTSq5b8MszLW
If you make videos, post em here!
since no one here is giving you a straight answer, ill answer your question.
Go to the wii sign in the bottom right of your start up screen with all the channels. Then you hit 'create new message', then you hit adress book, if your code doesnt pop up, you hit the arrow on the left of your adress book
People that don't play games over estimate the amount of interactivity envolved in playing a game. Therefore think the effect of playing them is worse than watching violent movies or listening to offensive music. This assumption is also the same reason why Manhunt 2 and others to come got banned.JustWiicredible
I agree.
I am 14 and my mom lets me watch rated R movies. and last night i just watched predator and it got me thinking. and even my best friend who is allowed to watch R movies and play M games said that it is weird that i cant play Splinter cell double agent for the wii. and my friend said that game aint even close to the level of violence in predator. dose anyone else think it is weird that i cant play a Mgame?WiiNut6493
All this bull **** about 'interactivity' with violence is all a load of crap. People that are over 12 are able to fully able to differ reality from a video game. Her morals on violence, are all opinion, and if you have different personalities you will most likely have different opinions on this issue.Her opinion is 'right' and yours is 'wrong' in her eyes because she is your mother. If she thinks your not ready at the age of 14 to play video games with some blood, swearing, and maybe even boobs every now and then, then why the hell does she let you watch movies? Games are interactive yes, but movies are way more graphic and realistic. Even with the interactivity the blood can look like a splash of tomato juice and just go away after a while, but in movies, the blood stays there and the scenes tend to be more violent, more brutal, and more sexually exposing than anything you can find in most video games.
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