It's amazing to see how much gaming has changed (not evolved) during the past 15 years.
Nowadays we refer to gaming when talking about smartphone games and F2P games. Half baked games with microtransactions to compensate for the ''cut out stuff''.
It's a shame we've come too far and started to see games as ''cheap consumeables'' like we now do with music bands, tv shows and movies.
Nontheless, I agree with mpl911. It's a mobile game. It's already forgotten.
Reading comments of people ''defending'' the Switch has been hilarious.
It's like people who states they have seen UFOs. You always ask yourself : why does it always have to be the crazy ones?
Ages ago we all feared the Switch would be some new portable gimmick with a bunch of promises instead of an actual console with a lot of interesting titles.
The fact is, it's a handheld with a bunch of low-res indy games.
Yes, Nintendo does make games for kids. It always has. I think most gamers that want Nintendo to release more ''mature'' games just don't realize something. You grew up with Nintendo. You've experienced its magic during your childhood.
You just wish you could re-live the same magic again in the form of mature games. Because if you grew up with Nintendo products, you know they deliver a unique experience and you know they are very genuine(in general). Therefore you can only dream of this kind of experience but without all that cartoonish crap.
The thing is Nintendo's always been the same(even though they don't really compete in terms of graphics). You, on the other hand, evolved.
xolivierx's comments