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xphantomgrlx Blog

FMA2 super mini trailer...OMG

its soo mini and not worthy but whatevs! It's more information on the second series thats coming in april. I was suspecting that a trailer would come out in January but we got this little dinker now....hopefully that means that in January we will get a HUGE FMA2 psyched!

okay so here ya go peeps:

fear the the edward8)

Tyler updates/Halloween

I think i just experienced one of the most awkward moments in my life....

During the entire break (like 15-20 min) i talked with tyler about different things....and then i sat back down and this girl next to me who is soo crushing on tyler but doesnt even talk to him turns to me and sasy, "So you and tyler, huh?"

Me: uhhhh....what?

Girl:You guys look like sucha couple.

Me: *awkwardly flustered* Oh...

Girl: If u guyz got married...think of the children!

At this point i just ignored the girl. She stated the most awkward thing of life...its a good thing Tyler wasnt there...that would just have made it ten times worst :oops:

My friends and I went out to eat for Halloween (Annie and I went in our costumes cuz we're cool like that8)) Jake was there too and apparently he still likes me even tho i completely denied his kiss and feelings. SO i pretended i wanted to see this old posteron the wall and sat on the other side of the table across from Annie and Ben. Then Tyler walked in late cuz of football and the next open seat was next to me!! (squueee) so i got to talk to him alot all night.

Then some of us went back to watch scary movies...but tyler couldnt stay late because of the SATs but this is the good part:

We were all sort of clustered together because people were Tyler is terrible at saying goodbye to people...but at the time i was closest to him and he turned and hugged me AND he said by...but then he shuffled off by saying..."im gunna give other people hugs"...DIES:D

we r talking more AND a hug???

does this seem good? im crossing my fingers that things willl just improve!!!!



After affects of homecoming...

Okay well Jake started to like me but then he got the message through Annie (this is when i love her!) that I didn't feel the same way. And get this...he is SOOOO nice.:) Even tho I totally dumped him he STILL let me borrow his Sum41 CD! how cool is that? so now Jake is my biffle.

Now for little news that makes me really happy. Tyler initiated a conversation with me the other day! gasp!

He was like "Hey, I saw you the other day driving to school"

Me: "Really?"

Him "Yea I was banging on the windows and everything. Going HEY! HEy!, but u kept on looking straight ahead." * he proceeds to imitate this.

Me laughing, "Really, wow I guess I just was really focused."

HIm: "Yeah, you drive an acura right?"

Me: " I drive a mini van" :shock:

Him: :shock: OMG! That-

ME: " That was a completly different girl!" *We both start cracking up*

THE END...i was so happy, this means its getting easier to talk to me right? *wiggles eyebros* but then i did the stupid thing and try and text him about it but he didnt respond! He's terrible texter...u can't tell what he's thinking at all...which is why i always freak out and told myself i will never initiate a text convo with him....I WILL DO THAT FROM NOW ON! sry I'm just trying to convince myself here...


should i tell my mom?

Should I tell my mom about my super crush Tyler?

Okay...i might sound like I'm obsesed with him here...but this is only because I have no outlet for it. I mean I haven't told a soul about this. I can't tell Marie because we all went to school together and she thinks that i still hate him (this oddly reminds me of hey arnold...). I can't tell Annie, because even tho she has a boyfriend , i don't know if she's over him yet (she's weirdly attached to him). And none of my other friends are even apart of this group....or i'm not personally close to them. So I think before i go psycho, i need to tell somebody...and i tell my mom everything.

on anothernote...i came home sick today (boo hum) but the good news is that i'm slowly bringing up my precal grade from a C- to hopefully something higher than a C-

I need to do hw...but I really feel like vegging out



OKay..well imust say that i pulled off that smexy dark blue dancing with the stars kinda dress b-e-a-utifully. so full of my self;). Ofcourse as usual with all homecoming traditions...there were a gazillion pictures taken by parents. Jake wont stand up straight and I'm already tall...but i decided that I really wanted to wear heels i had to stoop a bit for pictures...cuz i WILL NOT b taller than my guy. :x

:oops: But here comes the good part! so the whole group that was going to homecoming, was meeting at my friends as i'm walking up the drivve way, Tyler is walking up the other way (it's a circle driveway) and he was so staring at me. SQQQQUUUE! he's not the type to say 'hey u look really nice' since he's shy...and i would feel awkward anyway if he said that haha. When we got close i waved and said hi and he just lifted his hand and smiled instead of his usual 'Wassup?' HE'S SO CUTE!!!! especialy in a buttoned shirt and tie...he cleans up pretty good.

So we got in and we were talking and than Jake came in later...and mymom was like 'aren't you going to say hi to jake?" and i was like...uuuhhh....

i didn't mean to ignore him! im not that oblivious or mean! It's just Tyler look so cute/hott and he actually talks to me. At the restaurant, Jake sat across from me accasionally staring at me (sketch!) next to Annie and I was next to Tyler. (haha :twisted:) Jake wouldnt talk to me unless i tried to strike up a conversation so eventually i just gave up and just talked to Annie and Tyler.

Finally, after dinner...dundundun...the dance!:o Jake cant dance worth beans...and most guys cant...but then he started doing this weird russian dance thing. :roll: IM SUCH A FREAK TOO THOUGH! I kept glancing at Tyler throughout the night...isnt that sad? Even when I was slow dancing with Jake(btw: i did not fit very well w/ him while dancing...does that make sense?)... he was kind standing awkwardly there with Tom (another stag guy) so i tried to include everybody so it would b a complete waste a time for them. It was hilarious :lol: this spanish beat came over the speakers and i started doing a fake spanish dance with castanets...and Tyler started doing the guy part.

Annie tried setting Tyler up with some girl...but he didn't want to dance with any girl really. (my inner mind: HAH! take that!) :cry:then the worst thing happened...i dont know if Tyler saw...he might of left before...but while Jake and I were slow dancing...i was in the middle of commenting on the awful music when he tries to attack me with his lips! And the only thaough that was running through my head was "NONONONONONO!!!!"

:? that was the dance for the most part...i then crashed on my friends counch where i woke up several hours freezing.... i hope that im getting somewhere with Tyler!...did i mention he looked hott,smexy and cute? lol


homecoming tonight!!!

:D:o:oops::? super excited...time to make tyler love me...bwahahaa...ha...if anyone has seen the avatar abridged series they would get that (im not as creepy as zuko :p) anyway...tomorrow i'll write all about it so beware!



Annoyed w/ new life?

Okay this new layout has got going on is annoying the bajeezes out of me. Sure, it was in for a new update but ijust can't get used to it!:x i kinda wished i joined tv com later so i wouldn't have to deal with this change...i don't like change!'s kinda like whats happening on facebook...but i've gotten used to that one already...i guessi'll just hafta get used to this layout change too grrrrr!:?

anyway now im here to rant about my love life...

le gasp! I know it's barely even comprehensible that i have one!:lol: I never thought i would be writing about it here...okso here it goes...

I think I have a major crush on this guy...lets call him Tyler...weird thing is I've known him since the 7th grade. Is that totally strange? But hold on....mmkay. We were never friends in middle school and he was kinda pudgy anyway and i was like 'ew boys r gross'. I just wasn't into them yet. So then ofcourse 8th grade we all go our seperate ways to different high schools and such. Im going to an all girl high school...gawd kill me now....:lol: Aw...don't worry it's not that bad. But I was interested into some, you know, "opposite sex" interaction and its not like I'm going to find it at school! I still had a good friend from middle school (Marie) since she's my neighbor and all and she had a group a friends from the local puclic school cuz her dad was a teacher there. So I joined that group and what do ya know...tyler was in this group.

I was confused, "You hang out with Tyler?" I asked. i mean all i remember is him being the "fart boy" he always farted the loudest in ****and the guys would crack up. I said that to Marie..."That was middle school...he's not as bad as you think he is...people change!" Oh boy...yes they do:o

At first I was just annoyed by him still keeping the middle-school-boy image fresh in my mind. He never really talked to me at first cause he's shy around new people...but after you warm up to him a bit...he's the funniest boy alive. But like I said, I just wasn't into him. Besides there was another girl in our group who is a kinda flirt (which annoys me but she's still fun to hang out with) named Annie. He was totally into her...and she liked him back and they flirted back forth ALL the time...but Tyler was being strung along by another Annie gave up on him and by the time he realized that the other girl was just folling with was too late for him and Annie. Meanwhile, I was supporting Annie and her liking Tyler but I had no idea what she saw in him.

Now Tyler and Annie are best friends...and she's totally over him, or so she says. Slowly but surely I started thinking about Tyler more and more...wanting to be around him, wanting him to talk to me and tell me stuff he hasn't told anyone else...ofcourse I'm still trying to convince myself that I just want to be better friends with him before we leave again to go out separate ways in college...but...i don't know! He's now on the varsity football team, lost all his baby fat and is looking mighty cute and fine...but i think he's still into Annie.

Whenever they go off to talk to eachother about who knows what...i can't help but wish that i could talk with him the same way... comfortably. Is that jealousy?:question:

now i've being dragged to Annie's homecoming and she set me up with this kid Jake...who is not the hottest person in the world...but he has a quirky sense of humor which makes him cute. AND she's dragging Tyler into this teenaged torture even tho he already swore off dances for the rest of his life. I was kinda hoping that she wouldnt find me a date and could have gone solo...and then Tyler would be going stag too which means that we could of slowed danced together! squuueee! that would have been so...soo....i dont know! But that doesn't seem likely now...which means my only hope is to look killer in my sparkly blue dress and make HIM jealous. bwahahaha:twisted:

OKay...I admit...after writing all this, it looks like i DO like him...a lot. He can be annoying, stubborn and frustrating...but then he turns around and is funny, charming and sweet to make up for it. We talk a lot more than before...I think he's getting more comfortable around me:oops: hopefully.

Sigh... what do you think about all this?
