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xphantomgrlx Blog

Runaway Chapter 8

Chpater 8 : You Got Doomed

I personally think this is one of the best chapters evar! After I'm finished  with the story ...I'm probably going to edit a lot of things...speelling mistaked...add a few things here and there!! It's good for the! Reviews on fanfiction or here would be very lovely:D

Spiderman 3 big flop -average grade: B-

WHAT A DISSAPOINTMENT TO THE NAME OF SPIDERMAN!!! seriously, there wasn't enough spidey action and too much peter parker...and when there was action it was beating eachother into poles...the romantic stuff that was supposed to b serious or dramatic made the antire theatre crack up! it was more of a comedy than action or made me laugh and it had some lines and momemnts that were good...but i don't want to laugh in a spidey movie...i wanna be screaming GO SPIDEY GO !!! not 'my god how embarressing, just shut up before u make it worse' The first two were so much better. Ofcourse their are some exceptions to my rant and different views, example: Eddie Brock...he was AMAZING....I was disapointed how little we got to see him as venom though and i think they spent too much time on sandman. BEST QUOTES:

1) Harry in hospital with bandaged head "Hey Pete! hehe, I hit my head!" LOL:lol:

2) Harry:I stuck up for you in high school , and now I'm going to kill you" (or somethin like that...)

Peter: (has been affected by venom) OOOooooo! *wiggles fingers* :lol::lol::lol:

how many spidey moveis are there going to b? anyways...harry potter is coming up...thats the next MUST SEE/READ on my list...woot

I'm a rebel, wats a saint?!? hehehe...

well that was supposed to be from the green day song ...anyway ever since i got back from my trip from disney on this week has just been going down hill..i can't concentrate on any of my classes so i just doodle....for my hisotry class we were moved into the basement....the oh so creepy clausterphobic basement of the school just recently refinished...and then the teacher drones on and on about alexander II and then the III and then the names switch to like william...who cares!...then i have this russian math teacher who can't control the small class...seriously she was doing problems on the board ignoring the students hoping that we would pay attention to her mumbles and accasional friend and i just walked out of class and went to the gym for a free math class evar= such a rebel...don't worry this was my first time ditching class....sometimes you just have to be bad:twisted:

90s Kid (thx redpoet xD)

You're a 90's kid if:

You remember watching Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Pinky and the Brain, and Two Stupid Dogs.  AAAAAAAH real monstersYup, who could forget them....xcept my mom would always have a problem with ren & stimpy....she lurved real monsters....GO PORKCHOPS and skeeter...the awesome days

You've ever ended a sentence with the word "SIKE!" uhh...i just started to say that now xcept i spell it im behind

You just cant resist finishing this... "Iiiiiiin west philladelphia born and raised...". "On the blackground where I spent most of my days..." lol

You remember TGIF on ABC. Step by Step, Family Matters, Dinosaurs, and Boy Meets I only recall the last two....especially dinosaurs...that must of been an embarresing job
You remember when, 2Pac and Selena died. who?
You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. Yep. Pokemon all the
You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer ****at school. YES!!!I SHOT THE BUFFALO!

You remember reading "Goosebumps. I was too creeped out by the active imagination= NIGHTMARES

You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school. u betcha

You remember the craze, then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books. YES!! Cuz my brother would stark to smack me with them all the time!

You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence. Ofcourse NOT!...hehehe

You used to listen to the radio all day long just to record "Your FAVORITE song of ALL time." nope

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? YES! I STILL HAVE A PUZZLE GAME! Plus i lived in san diego... Captain Planet. He's a Hero. nope
You remember when super nintendo's and Sega Genisis became popular. Yes, and sadly my mother nor father believed in entertainment systems till about a month ago...SQUEAL!i got a ps2 with legs hurt after playing it....i guess thats normal after four hours

You always wanted to send in a tape to America's Funniest Home Videos... but never taped anything funny. Yea...but i decided that my health insurance wouldn't cover it(ppl are always getting hurt in those tapes!)

You remember watching home alone 1, 2 , and 3........and tried to pull the pranks on "intruders." BINGO!

You remember watching The Magic School Bus, Wishbone, and Reading Rainbow on PBS. GASP...i miss wishbone so much...he was so cute!

You remember those Where's Waldo books. Where is he....i will eventually find u waldo...

You remember when Mortal Kombat Was "Da Bomb"! ???

You remember eating Warheads.(those sour candys.) YUM!!!

You remember watching the 1st Batman, Aladdin, Ninja Turtles, and 3 Ninjas movies. Yup
You remember Ring Pops. i had it once but my fingers got all sticky

You remember when POGS were the coolest thing ever. yupperz

You remember drinking Fruitopia and Surge. YES!!!FRUITOPIA WAS AMAZING!

If you remember when every thing was "da BOMB" it was da BOMB

When they made the new lunchables so that you could make tacos and pizza!! Yes but my mommy wouldn't let me get them...PBJ all the way for me

You remember "boom boxes" vs. cd players. CD players definately

Writing M.A.S.H. notes. (and the twenty different versions of that.) naaa...but now i doMaking those little paper fortune cookie things.. and then predicting your life with them. THIS I DO SEE IN YOUR FUTURE!!lol my sister and i would pretend to be fortune tellers

You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell".

You haven't always had a computer...and u lived without the internet. YUP...but i started to use the computer when i was 3

You watched the original cartoons of Rugrats, Power Rangers,and Ninja Turtles. Who didn't love power ranger was always the favorite for the girl
You had a favorite New Kid on the block, and you knew all of their names. actually...yea...tegan...weird name
Michael Jordan was a king. Indeed...but i was never really into basketball

Yikes pencils and erasers were the stuff! I still love those
All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand.(pencils.notebooks.binders.etc.) Definately, now the new lisa frank stuff just looks stoopid

You remember when the new Beanie Babies and talking Elmo were always sold out. My beanie Babies are right next to me but the other bagillion of them are down in the basement
Carebears and The Gummy Bear show. Bad memories.

Gak was the coolest thing invented. Wat?!?

Lambchop's song never ended. WHHHHYYY?!?Because of that lamb, i got my nickname from my dad 'chopis'....cuz apparently i had huge 'chops' when i was babeh

The old dollar bills. XD

Silver dollars, were cool to have. AWESOME SILVER!

You collected all the Troll dolls. Guilty...i played with them in the bathtub

You owned a portable tape player. uhuh

You even know what an original walkman is. unfortunately

You remember when Nickelodeon was worth watching....every day after school. I watched so much tv in the morning on the wasn't healthy
You've gotten creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" OMG!!!I STILL GET CREEPED OUT BY THAT DOLL HOUSE ONE!
You know the Macarena by heart. My parents made me do it
"Talk to the hand" ... enough said. Cuz' the face ain't listening. You always said, "Then why don't you marry it!" Stoopid boys of my ****would always say that
You know the significance of the number 23. ???? noooooooo

You went to McD's to play in the playplace. YEAH!!! IT SMELLED LIKE FEET!:lol:
When we were younger:

Before the MySpace frenzy...

Before the Internet & text messaging...

Before Sidekicks & iPods...

Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX...

Before Sponge Bob...

When light up sneakers were cool.

When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.

When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing.

When we recorded stuff on VCRs.

When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.

When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.

Way back...

Before we realized all this would eventually disappear

Who would have thought you'd miss the 90's so much!!!!!

Post this in your blog if you remember these days ....

Post with the year you were born in ...



okay so i was assigned this research paper a bigillion years ago(okay maybe a few months) for world history and i haven't even galnced at it till now...uhh...did i mention itwas the last day of my spring break!so now i really don't wanna write a six page paper....but i should at least start it...but i REALLY DONT WANT TOOO....i have to finish it by tomorrow or else my mom wont let me go preform at disney world! cruel and unusual punishment...grumblegrumble...technically its due in another week but because of my disney thing i won't have any time...THIS STINKS! anyway on a more positive note i saw 'claw of the wild' in spanish. Spanish episodes are okay...but since spanish has to put more words in than english...they have to say everything uber fast making you miss some of the jokes...that happened with infinite realms...i was crying from laughter at the english version while the spanish i did an occasional going to go wallow in my self pity:roll:

OH NO!!! wat so i obsession is gone

my gosh....i havent seen ANy new dp episodes in forever which is slowly driving me bonkers....oh and i had something wrong with the glands in my throat they started to swell up and it really hurted to swallow but im ok with the absence of my lovable witty danny....i have moved my obsession to another show....actually its show that is already over.....SAILOR MOON!!!! omg....okay i must admit it is very corny at times...but hey im hooked....and DARIEN... tre gorgeous! i think he could be an anime form of danny....xcept not really....he has the black  spiky hair and blue eyes!!! his fighting disguise...tuxedo mask...LOLOLOLOLOL:D:D:D....who has a secret identity named TUXEDO MASK :D:D:D.....danny has abetter superhero name than him...puh ya thats going to go watch as much as i can on utube....aaaaahhh my eyes must watch @.@

Wooooaaaa....i still remember this site!

lol..i havent posted anything in sucha long time....well except for my 'why is danny so hott?' forum....seriously that was just a joke...the forum....DEF not danny's hottness xD....i didn't think it would go on so long...o.0....hmmmm...anyways GUESS WHAT! Im a performing arts freak and in like 3 weeks or somethin like that....i get to preform in DISNEY WORLD!!!Woot! other performing arts geeks r coming too!!! YAYAYA!!! how cooliawesomeness is that!....well i have to go eat a burger now....thats seems whenever i have to get off this thing its because of food....xcept i dont have cheesecake anymore :cry:....BUT WAIT.....there is ben and jerry ice cream in the gunna go before yall think im some kinda fatso!lol tah!

Once again Runaway,Mardi Gras and Infinite Realms

YAY!another chappie up...dundundun!xD

Chapter 6 :Gregarious Groceries.....PAH!!! What kinda title is that! my mind must be bean soup!

So I finally went back to school today...sorta depressing but great to see all my friends again. Today we celebrated i got to eat free cake...yum! there was cotton candy and popcorn at lunch too!all FRREEEEE!!! and then during assembly ppl chucked candy at our heads from a golf friend got hit in the head with a tootsie roll...those could cause serious injuries!xD OMG! I just Infinite is so much better in english (Sry spanish speakers) but all the jokes were hilarious...while in spanish i just kinda of smiled ....this time i was crying....biiigg difference. it just me or is fanfiction running REALLLY takes forever for each page....anways  "CURSE YOU VEGETABLES" hehehe:lol:8)

Stoopid youtube......

Good thing I found live video.....they took the butterfly effect video away!remember the one i posted on my blog before!! ITS GONE!!! ALL OF ITS YUMMY DANNYXSAMMYNESS IS GOOOOOOONNNNEEEE!!!! very depressed if you cannot tell....seriously that was the cutest video made me teary, yet again everything dxs usually does....anyway i did find this vid on utube before it got deleted and now its on live video its called the amityville toaster...i fell off my chair literally laughing so hard.

LOL!i wrote the quote at the end with white out on my binder....well i should probably work on another chappie of runaway....tah!