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xplayrox Blog

I have one or a few things to say

The first thing is that I continue to have problems with gamespot. MY computer is all of a sudden slow. My computer (not to boast or brag or anything) is not slow at all. Im not sure why this is happening all of a sudden. Not only that, I also continue to have problems with my messageing here on GS. I don't think it allows me to send or delete. Forget about that, so far I have a few people in mind about this union I am gunna make. First up is Gamermelchor, then it is death_kn1ght, then killerdestroyer, zexion 323, gman56 and light herox. Im not sure is zexion or gman want to be cofounder but they like mcr and so do I so yeah. That is 6 people. all I need is for all of you people to accept them. If any one else wants to be part of the union, let me know.

Yes Yes no no! Double Yes and NO

First Yes, I got Advent Children and I rox my face off. right now my face is off. The movie so great and it is not bad at all. Cloud kicks alot of A and is sword is soooo bad. Too bad I don't have a sword like that ot my collection. The story is good too with the return of Sephirof. The second yess is that I am a Level 10 Phoenix Down so now when I die I will be revied! KOOL The first no is that my mom doesn't even know when my internet is gunna get shut down. The second no is that my mailbox is EFFed up royally. I can't get any new messages, can't send them, and I can't delete them. It has been two days now and I thought I would be able to do the stuff after a while but I EFFing can't.

I would like to know.

who ever reads this blog please input your name if you like One, all, or any of these bands. #1. My Chemical Romance / MCR #2. HIM / I think it used to mean His Infernal Majesty. #3. The Strokes. I would like to know cuz those bands are kool and I wonder who would be interested making a music union.


I never knew that soooo many people on GS likes HIM. Yes they are one of the the greatest band in the world, but I never thought that I would people on GS listen to them. I thought that was soo kool cuz in 3 days I saw a lot of peole who like HIM. BTW, HIM rocks. LOVE METAL baby

NO and NO which is a double NO

Well its sucks because I don't know when I am gunna loose my internet. No body has informed me yet and not only that, I still have not gotten Advent Children yet. Man this sucks. Well I will do my best to inform all of you people when I gunna be shut down. As for now, Hello!

Me on = may be off for a while / Demon in my house?

I am losing my internet for quite a whil but when I go to a family members house maybe I will go on. So since I am soooo popular and soooo kool I thought I should let all of yall know I know gunna be on " as much ". And not only that but I never thought I would dislike a baby! My little cousin is about 2 and a half but he is the biggest little piece of SH*T I have ever seen and encountered. He looks soooooo evil and he is kinda of scary. He bites people soo hard they bleed. When he does somthing he is not supposed to and you tell him NO, he smiles with the most evilest smile you could ever see. I think this kid is a demon or something. He is such a pain and not once can he do antthing with out trouble. Right now I took me 7 mins plus just to write this because he just bit me so hard but I smacked his hand and he stopped. Then what do you know, he has that evil little smirk on his face. UHHH creepy. I thought I should inform all of you of my absence when my inter net is out and also that I like with a demon. May I be saved.


I have so much testing this week and I am going to have a lot more next week. I had to write a poem but I did not do it yet. Testing! Damn you to hell. Curse you testing. I have to study and do soo much homework every day. Well just this cuz I wonder when every body else's testing dates are.

Advent Children cam out Today!

I want to see the movie soooo bad but I am gunna buy it for me and myself. And maybe my homie for his b-day. Well I don't have much to say but I am the happiest I could ever be. My Jessica is the best thing that could ever happen to me. She rocks

This is the coolest blog post Topic

I just got in that E3 is going to begin and beheld on MAY 9 so all of you that have G4, WATCH it. If you have not heard of E3 let me know. E3 is all of our paridise. Games, food, girls, all of what I like. Watch E3 please.

E3 is coming close and almost here.

e3 is almost here so buckle up and get your food and stuff to eat so you don't miss it. If your going (which I want to go to as well), your are lucky. The Electronic Entertainment Expo is a paridise for many incudeing me. Just thought I should give all of you who want to see it a heads up. Watch it on May 3 or 5 on G4. I will check up more and post an up date on here Attack of the Blogs.