I watched the OnLive press conference today (couldn't see it live yesterday) I know it started at around 8:30pm CT and ended at around an hour later. http://www.gamespot.com/shows/on-the-spot/?series=on-the-spot&event=on_the_spot20090324
I did post a some comments when I watched the show. I have no idea how to post a screenshot of it though
I guess I should've watched live, but I couldn't. Hopefully posting some of what I heard about OnLive during the press conference will be good enough.
After a little bit of talking about OnLive, it was finally shown in action for everyone to see. They started it up (it looked similar to the Xbox 360's opening sequence when you start a game) After that they showed the main menu and explained that you can see what other friends are playing, or you can start a game and play for yourself from the main screen. You select "games" then your taken to a list of games that you have purchased. Select one, and you then play it. During the press conference, they played a little bit of MLB 2K9 and Crysis Wars. They claim that there is no lag, but to be honest, I did notice some input lag, particularly when they were playing Crysis Wars. It looked as though the guy was jumping all around every time he moved the character in game running around on the beach once he got out of the water.
I hope that's enough to prove I watched it. If not, oh well.
EDIT: Here is one of my comments I posted when I watched the show for the first time yesterday afternoon:
Posted Mar 26, 2009 1:14 pm CT
Did anyone else notice the terrible input lag while they were playing Crysis Wars? They're claiming no lag, yet it's evident in their preview of the service.
Better get that problem fixed, or OnLive may not turn out the way they want it to be.
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