xromad01's forum posts
i don't know if i am the only one here old enough to remember when people were still arguing about the gulf of tonkin,but this is very similar.i can't help but compare truthers to vietnam journalist who contradicted what our gov told the public.later on stockdale says there were no pt boats and johnson even said we could have been shooting at whales.near 60k americans dead,not counting mia and pow.
personally i don't believe there were explosives involved,but it is a fact that we give money and weapons to terrorist.we gave musharraf 10 billion.
i would just take my pc along with wow and city of heroes.
looks a whole lot better than the wonder swan and gba phone.
there is alot of that at cge each year.although it is mostly 70s-80s consoles.
it has been obvious for me.after all,my wife and i did close down our import store.the difference in quantity and quality between this gen and last is huge.
doobie brothers, survivor
foreigner, queensryche
outfield, 38 special
autograph, bee gees
boston, chicago
styx, journey
I used to like McCain. I voted for him during the presidential election, but now I'm glad he lost. He used to be more moderate, but in the last couple of years, he has shifted away from the center.
He stopped being a Maverick around 2006 or so.
he has also done a complete 180 since the early 90s when it comes to foreign policy.when i was assigned to 4th infantry he came and spoke to us about how we shouldn't be police.he was for leaving bosnia and kosovo,and being less involved with civil wars,etc.
as far as dadt,i suppose the military is somewhat different now.but when i was in,if you were the least bit odd things were either rough for you,or people would find a way to get rid of you.someone else on this board other day was even saying gays canwalk around ft bragg without getting beat down.maybe nothing will happen if it is removed.
any shooter for a soldier.they will love that after carrying around a rifle day after day.surely i am not the only vet here who hates shooters with a passion.
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