That's because you don't own the game on PC. :][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="Wiimotefan"]
I call BS, simply because the game would have crashed long before reaching 10 hrs of consecutive play. I doubt the PC version could go that long without a crash.
lol Maybe I didn't word my post well enough. I'm calling BS on Tykains post, not yours. And yes I do play Skyrim along with most other multiplats on a PC that is simply overkill for most games that exist.
And yes, even though Skyrim looks and runs great on my machine, it still randomly crashes from time to time. You can not honestly say that Skyrim can be played for 10 hrs straight w/out crashing. :lol:
I have about 70 hrs logged into the game with about five crashes. Luckily each crash came right when I loaded to another area, autosave, via doorway or fast travel. I have not had a single crash in about 20 hrs, knocks on wood...
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