Another elderly person who has no idea what is happening with technology and it's effects. Seriously, if you have no actual education or experience on the matter, then shut the **** up and stay off the stupid band wagon.
I always find these amusing, because we never murdered, raped, mutilated, etc. each other before video games. Yep, it was all gravy until those evil video games showed up.
@GTAMARIO363 Criminals don't follow laws, so if guns are illegal why would they follow that one? Also, you can make a bomb with $40 worth of stuff from a hardware store, so instead of using a gun to kill 20 people, he could use a bomb to kill 100. Just saying, don't blame the tool, blame the person; a deranged lunatic can kill you with a steak knife if they really want to.
Considering everyone is freaking out about the size of it and it's capabilities, remember that we have microprocessors small enough to fit underneath your retina and output a decent amount of processing power. The size isn't what should concern us, what concerns me is the amount of space the SSD has. If all my games are going to be stored on the Piston it'll need some decent space, unless it allows for a external hard drive to be connected and games be stored on it.
@FISHXMARKET @rayankawash123 Ray has a point, they don't have unlimited resources so putting in a multiplayer would detract from their pool for single player. Regardless, should be an excellent game.
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