It bothers me how some people rely on these articles to decide on what console to get. Both consoles have great games and a wide variety of genres for any person's tastes. Just get em both or get whichever you prefer more, the graphics are near identical and I doubt that while fending off zombie/nazi/monster hordes you're gonna pause and go "ZOMG THE SHADOWS ARE FUNKEH!" seriously people. I got my PS3 back when DMC4 and FF13 were exclusive, that and I love MGS, but I also want to get a 360 (elite) now because of Fable 2. Just get what you want not what people tell you to want.
@bugtrip Right, I spent money on a system who's technology hasn't been called failing or been ditched. Face it, they're both good consoles but I'm NEVER buying a 360 for 2 reasons, first off, HD-DVD is dead forever. And 2nd, all the good games that come out on it come out on the PC a year later with extras, so hmm, pay 400-500 for a system that's gonna collect dust or wait and pay $50 for the same game with extras.
Half-life, not one of, but THE best FPS in my opinion. I still remember how it was when I first started playing it. I stopped eating and sleeping, 2 days later I beat it. I'd do it all again for this game, and enjoy it. "TKOVG i don't know why but i really hate Half-Life" Are you sure you're human? Better yet that you're a gamer?
Wow, such interesting conflicts erupt on this site. Well, I have god of war, and I'm certainly getting god of war 2. Not for the graphics, but for the sheer gore. What other game lets you rip opponents in half or drive their eye through the mast of a ship??
Sony always has had the best 3rd party support and some of the best exlusives. It'll win eventually, there doing the same thing they did with the PS2, and look at it now, they hold 60 some % of the market. *Wow, alot of you are complaining about the price. It's called saving geniuses. I pay bills, I lose alot of my money to necessities, but I'm still capable of saving, so come next christmas I'll have a PS3.*
xxalucard66xx's comments